OH-6A Oil Platform Rescue

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OH-6A Oil Platform Rescue

Uploaded by - drandall
Date - 08/31/2024 20:28:07
Map - Marianas
You're attached to a SAR group stationed at the Saipan and Tinian airports. There's been an explosion on the Oxford oil platform northwest of Saipan and is now on fire. One of the Oxford crew members is injured and needs evac to Saipan hospital. Audio briefing and communications are used.

This is a simple mission for a single player to test your takeoff and landing skills in the OH-6A helicopter.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 8.7 Mb
  • Downloaded: 89
  • Comments: 0
Tags: OH-6A, OH-6