Ace Combat - 102nd Tactical Fighter Squadron "Privateers" 2024

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Ace Combat - 102nd Tactical Fighter Squadron "Privateers" 2024

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - AWACS_Bandog
Date - 08/01/2024 22:59:09
Established in the 1960's flying the F-4E Phantom, the Privateers would make their name patrolling the turbulent skies near the Osean-Belkan border, before being stationed on the front lines alongside dozens of other squadrons staring down the rival Yuktobanian Air Force in a deadly game of brinkmanship. This deadly game would mark their first tragedy, when a civilian airliner would be misidentified by the unit, killing all aboard. With this black mark, the squadron would take years to recover until the 1995 Belkan war where they successfully defended Osea from nuclear bombers.

Following their successful campaigns during the Circum Pacific and later Lighthouse War. the 102nd Tactical Fighter Squadron "Privateers" was reassigned to the 224th Wing at Roca Roja Air Base, Usea, supporting the continuing IUN Peace Keeping Mission in the region.

Along with the 31st Tactical Fighter Squadron 'Enchanters', the Privateers make up the Air Superiority arm of the bases mission, flying the F-15C

A Fate and Ace Combat inspired skin for the F-15C. Im really hoping this will be the last version. Updated Stencils, new Flagship art and overall other QOL upgrades with the Roughmet patch.

Comes with two skins

* Generic

* 102t TFS Flagship

Pilots wear custom patches

Interested in the older version of this skin? ->

Hope you enjoy!

Please contact me on Discord at AWACS_BANDOG#7420 for any questions or bug-reports, thanks!
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 236.48 Mb
  • Downloaded: 62
  • Comments: 0