Operation PICKLE BARREL - Night low level A-4 strike, 08 OCT 1973

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Operation PICKLE BARREL - Night low level A-4 strike, 08 OCT 1973

Uploaded by - Richrach
Date - 03/15/2024 02:21:41
Map - Sinai
It is early morning on October 8th, 1973.  The mission is to hit Suez Stadium just before sunrise.  It is being used as a staging point for Mi-8 helos to pick up troops and supplies to be ferried cross the Suez Canal.

*** Operation PICKLE BARREL ***

It is early morning on October 8th, 1973, two days since Egypt took back the East side of the Suez canal.  They have proven clever, resourceful and inventive.

The Egyptians are using Mi-8 helicopters extensively to ferry supplies across the Suez.  The Mi-8 is a workhorse, able to carry heavy loads quickly and repeatedly to units up front.  This is working too well and needs to be interrupted.

Intel detected unusual activity in Suez City the last few nights.  Two stadiums remained lit all night.  They are being used to stage troops and supplies for the helos, which are taking them out to forward units.  The stadiums provide built-in lighting and natural security.

The mission is to hit Suez Stadium (N29 57.3 / E 32 32.3) just before sunrise and the first wave of helicopters begin their ferry flights.  If intel is correct, we should catch both the helos and their day’s cargo staged and ready to go.  This will have to be a pop-up delivery to negate the stadium walls.

You will launch in the dark.  The route will be due South of Rephidim Base to pass close to Nekhel.  From there turn toward the point at Ras Sedr then begin the final run over water toward the stadium.  Study the map carefully to recognize when to pop up and acquire the target.

Remain below 1000’ AGL headed South and 400’ over water on ingress to avoid radar detection until the last moment. You will be flying below terrain close on your right for a good portion of the flight outbound.  TC radar is a GO/NO GO item for this mission.

Unknown numbers of Egyptian naval units may be operating near the port.  Additionally, expect AAA.  Suez City in under the umbrella of several SAM batteries, limiting the time you will have to identify the target and make your run.  Egress to the South back over the water low.


The structure will contain the blast and confine damage to the military units inside.  If there is any doubt return with the bombs, use them on confirmed Egyptian naval units, or jettison them as a tertiary option.

5 x MK-83 LD
60 x Chaff

Go in Hashem.
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