P-47D Thunderbolt 'Thoroughbred'

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P-47D Thunderbolt

P-47D Thunderbolt 'Thoroughbred'

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - Raptorattacker
Date - 02/27/2024 15:51:10
Map - Any map
P-47 D Thunderbolt 'Thoroughbred' flown by Lt. Lawton E. Clark of 84th FS, 78th FG, 8th AF out of RAF Duxford, England, September 1944
Lt. Clark was killed in it Sept. 10 1944 when he flew into the target when strafing a marshalling yard at Heilbronn, Germany. It was thought that he had a depth perception problem as he had already flown into a couple of trees which he had marked on the plane with his killmarks.
Just unzip the file to 'Saved Games > DCSopenbeta > Liveries > P-47D-30'.
Here's a quick video of it in action... https://youtu.be/vi6PRI1rojo?si=miK03f45YrebEvsI

  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 173.2 Mb
  • Downloaded: 167
  • Comments: 1
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