Battlecruiser attack

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Battlecruiser attack

Uploaded by - landstorm
Date - 01/05/2024 11:03:13
Map - Caucasus
Hitting and damaging the ( Battlecruiser ) battleship in the Novorossiysk harbor

the main goal of this mission is to destroy the  ( Battlecruiser ) battel ship in the Novorossiysk harbor
this mission comes in tow leveles
1- easy
and there is three jets to choos from :
3- F16
1- the easy level:
you will face 2 cap of M2000C if you mange to kill them both you then will face the 3rd cap an Jf-17 all of them defnding the airbase of  Novorossiysk and its harbor wich is also protected with a sam site of an SA-6 and SA-8
to win you have to hit( no need to kiil it ) the Battlecruiser battele ship with A-G bombs that have been loaded to your fighter jet also you have to kill the 2 M2000C and the Jf-17
and you have to come back to your air base and land safly
also you have to look out to the red AWACS escorted by tow J-11 full armed with fox3 & fox2
2- the hard level
you will face 2 cap of Jf-17 and if you mange to kill them both you then will face the 3rd cap an one F15C all of them defnding the airbase of  Novorossiysk and its harbor wich is also protected with a sam site of an S-300 (sa-10)
to win you have to just to hit( no need to kill it ) the Battlecruiser battele ship with A-G bombs that have been loaded to your fighter jet also you have to kill the 2 JF17 and the F15C..
and also you have to come back to your air base and land safly
also you have to look out to the red AWACS escorted by tow J-11 full armed with fox3 & fox2
noting that you have to  in both levels ( Hard or easy ) to  be aware that you are going to be chased by 2 Su33 takingoff Krymsk  after you  hit the Battlecruiser battele ship and killed the 2 M2000C and the Jf-17
the chaleng is to add to that killing the AWACS and the J-11 and the Su33s
also you can get help if you want by a blue cap(F15C) and sead flight also (F18 Hornet) by intering the F10 radio minue in the strart of the mission in both levels !!
good luck all

  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 45.85 Kb
  • Downloaded: 485
  • Comments: 3
Tags: F15E, F16, F18