MEKO-200 Type Frigates - UPDATED - v1.2

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MEKO-200 Type Frigates - UPDATED - v1.2

Type - Mod
Uploaded by - Aplion
Date - 09/04/2023 10:52:44
Greek MEKO-200HN Hydra class and Turkish MEKO-200TN Barbaros class frigates.

After long time of modding on Armed Assault game, I've decided to try on DCS too.
My first mod contribution is these two ships.
The Greek frigate "MEKO-200HN Hydra class" and the Turkish "MEKO-200TN Barbaros class".

Four liveries included for Greek ship and two for Turkish one.

As this is my first attempt of modding in DCS, I'm releasing this as version one leaving it open for future improvements.

UPDATE#1 - Small fix for reported wrong description files in liveries.

UPDATE#2 - Some 3d parts reworked as also some textures. New RoughMet textures added (thanks to "Urbi" for his help on that).
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 44.22 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1047
  • Comments: 16