MiG-29 Hungarian Air Force multi pack (fictional camo - updated 05/08/2023)

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MiG-29 Hungarian Air Force multi pack (fictional camo - updated 05/08/2023)

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - miklos
Date - 07/18/2023 19:02:05
6 semi fictional liveries in one pack for all subversion

-= Hungarian description below =-

Fictional livery pack for the MiG-29.
This whole package contains all three subversions what we have in the game, but as a pack, not dividable. Install the whole package, even if you don't have or use one of the subversions.

Comes in six versions:
1. Original Russian paint with Hungarian signs.  In the beginning, MiG-29B 9.12B had this livery for a while.
2. NATO grey colour with colour signs , MiG-29B 9.12B had this livery for a while.
3. NATO grey colour with LoVis signs, MiG-29B 9.12B (fictional)
4. Three colours camouflage, colours and paint map from MiG-21Bis, mid '90 (fictional)
5. Five colours camouflage, late Su-22M3 inspired, same colours, mid '90 (fictional)
6. Four colours camouflage, MiG-15Bis inspired, same colours, early '70 (fictional)

-= Magyarul =-

Komplett álcafestés csomag a MiG-29 típushoz.
Egy egy teljeskörű csomag minden MiG-29 alváltozathoz. Még ha valamelyik alváltozatot nem is használod, mindent telepíts fel amit a letöltött archív fájlban találsz.

6 változatban készült el:
1. Eredeti Orosz festés Magyar felségjelekkel. A 9.12B a megérkezése után üzemelt egy ideig ezzel a festéssel.
2. A 9.12B gépek a felujításuk után kaptak NATO színeket színes felségjelekkel.
3. A 9.12B gépek LoVis jelekkel (fiktív)
4. Három színű álcafestés, színek és folttérkép a '90-es évek MiG-21Bis gépei alapján. (fiktív)
5. Öt színű álcafestés, színek a '90-es évek Szu-22M3 gépei alapján. (fiktív)
6. Négy színű álcafestés, színek a '70-es évek MiG-15Bis gépei alapján. (fiktív)

-= Installation =-

Install as regular skins usually, copy all of the directories from inside the zip file to
Users\_yourname_\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Liveries\
Might you are going to need to create a "Liveries" folder if that does not exist.

One known, unsolvable problem exist in this package: MiG-29G, the German version side numbers. Unfortunately core DCS settings, the left and right side numbers will not be evenly positioned. Core DCS settings, comes from German Air Force unique numbering system.
Not too nice looking, but still the pilot has the option to change the tactical numbers on the side. Other option only would disable the side number, what I prefer not to do.

*** This package is a whole thing, install everything what you find in the downloaded archive. ***

-= Updates =-
05/08/2023 - Version 1.3
       -Global colour correction with all liveries
       -Some texture fixing
25/07/2023 - Version 1.2
       -Some colour and effect adjustments
       -Converted to a whole MiG-29 pack for all subversion
20/07/2023 - Version 1.1
       -2 more liveries added
       -The whole package is completely reworked
18/07/2023 - Version 1.0
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 119.37 Mb
  • Downloaded: 309
  • Comments: 0
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