Yom Kippur Inspired Sinai WAR Scenerio

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Yom Kippur Inspired Sinai WAR Scenerio

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Date - 07/11/2023 04:56:25
A Yom Kippur 1970's Inspired Sinai WAR Scenario Template mission with SkyNet IADS Air Defence on both sides.
Both sides also have AID-A2A GCI.
Air to Air is already taken care of so the user can concentrate on creating a CA battle for contested territories.
Helicopter CAS mission would also be a good fit for this template.

Yom Kippur War Inspired Scenario:

I have added SkyNet IADS and AID-A2A GCI to the War of Attrition (PVP/PVE Sinai Mission) Template done by @FourLocoHassan.

This is a PVP/PVE mission based-off/Inspired By of the Arab-Israel War of Attrition during July of 1970.

    Egyptian defences are placed in SEMI-Historically accurate locations.
    Aircraft used during the war that are not in DCS have been replaced with similar airframes.
    Armour and Artillery are SEMI-Historically emplaced but the Armour Battles will need to be DETAILED by the USER.
    AID-A2A GCI has been THROTTLED so as not to cause runaway AI air battles.
    SkyNet AD includes Scripted Shoot & Scoot Mobile AD on the RED side and (DCS ME) Mobile AD for the BLue side.
    Scripts were provided by @baron actMobileDemo.lua and @fnslayeroc skynet-iads-compiled.lua with help from @Whiskey11 all
    found @ https://discord.gg/jMMNKBQ5 a great place to get SkyNet info.
MoD's needed to open this Template:

    https://forum.dcs.world/topic/147247-vsn-flyable-aircraft-mods/     (VSN flyables you want F4 v2.8.2.103_standalon.7z)

Attached is Mission file and Attack Demo Mission file for demonstration of AI defences for both sides.
Also Informations and *.lua files in the zip

criticism is welcome

  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 24.23 Mb
  • Downloaded: 463
  • Comments: 1
Tags: Sinai, template, skynet, GCI, PvE, CA
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