This is a "showcase" mission for the F-15E. Containing cold and dark startup, lots of F-15E's, close formation flying (as close as you want, for a nice in air view on this mighty machine) both at high and low alt, attacking an ISIL ground target, AAR (can be skipped), and more formation flying back to home plate.
The mission is very newcomer friendly. You can basically make it as easy or difficult as you want.
If you want, you can just autostart (or hot start if you alter it in the ME) fly, follow your flight lead and observe everything unfold. Or you can do cold and dark startup (by default), go wildly deep into your avionics and TPOD and set the mission to night time (daytime by default). In other words, you can use this mission for practicing basically any skill you like.
No user mods required
lankypilot77 YT review:
CJTF-OIR - July 19th 2015 - Incirlik AB Turkey - Raqqa Strike
Ever since Aleppo was captured by ISIL, about 3 weeks ago, both the Syrian National Army and the Kurds are fighting against ISIL in an effort to regain control over the city. As usual, the main victims caused by these fights, are the civillians in Aleppo. CJTF observed the situation evolve over the past few weeks and noticed a steady flow of ISIL reinforcements. Vehicles and weapons are brought in by trains from Raqqa (Raqqa itself being under firm ISIL control). Although controvercial, as the attack might cause high collateral impact, CJTF decided to approve an airstike on the Raqqa logistics rail station in the heart of Raqqa city.
Together with three of your squadron members, you are assigned to this task.
The plan is to surprise the enemy air defenses at Raqqa. Four of your fellow sqn members (BRAWLER flight) will conduct an airstrike on ISIL targets at Aleppo, while your flight (PYRO) will initially stay in Turkish airspace, in an attempt to divert any possible enemy EWR attention from us to BRAWLER flight. You will follow your flight lead and eventually ingress at low altitude into Syria, in order to try and keep the element of surprise. Once ±20nm out from your target, your flight will pop-up to above 10.000ft (in order to stay out of MANPADS and AAA range), spread out and conduct the airstrike.
Make sure to follow your flight lead's (PYRO21) orders.
You are element lead (PYRO23)
Your objective is to destroy the vehicle depot (North West building).
Study the mission briefing slides carefully, to make sure you know your fragged target and your final attack heading*.
(*player may choose a different attack heading as desired)
Intel shows that ISIL in Raqqa city has a relatively dense air defense system set up. Containing moving AAA units, MANPADS and they even got their hands on old Russian mobile SAM systems.
Mission creator notes:
- Semi-automated COMMS (you'll have to tune to the correct radio channels to hear the audio, just like irl)(for AAR and landing, regular DCS comms are still needed)
- Player selectable difficulty (easy, medium, or hard) at mission start
- Player selectable mission aids (ON/OFF) at mission start
- Real life chatter (once cleared by departure and only if you tune to CH10 on PRI)
- Incirlik ATIS (CH20 on AUX)
- Mission specific kneeboard
- Free to change time of day and weather as desired (daytime by default, but the Mudhen loves the night)
- Free to change loadout and/or attack type as desired. Unguided, guided (by TPOD and/or radar), kamikaze (although not advised), or just watch your wingman do everything.
- Proper fourship AAR procedure (left wing, connect, right wing). Not required and can be skipped by the player (only added because AAR is awesome)
Although not tested, this mission should work in MP (pilot + WSO). No "press spacebar" triggers are used.
Don't hesitate to give feedback