65th Squadron F-15E Aggressor "Desert" and "Blue Flanker" v3

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65th Squadron F-15E Aggressor "Desert" and "Blue Flanker" v3

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - MaximusRZ
Date - 06/27/2023 23:56:29
Aggressors paint scheme  " Desert" and "Blue Flanker".
V3 Updated with AqilHuseynov's template

two versions are included, a Desert version based on the AF78-567 aircraft and the Blue version based on the AF80-054 aircraft.
the aircraft numbers are dynamic, pre-set to the reference numbers.
Customized PODs and fuel tanks to match the aircraft colors.
Customized pilots helmet

If you want to collaborate in Paypal I will be very grateful! everything helps!

Discord: maximus_rz
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 286.58 Mb
  • Downloaded: 954
  • Comments: 4
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