SAM Threat Guide V2.1

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SAM Threat Guide V2.1

Type - Other
Uploaded by - UrPeaceKeeper
Date - 06/17/2023 01:27:58
The DCS SAM Threat Guide is a quick reference kneeboard for SAM threats.  It includes information about the ranges a SAM is capable of engaging targets, HARM codes, and pictures of the track radars, search radars, and launchers of various SAMs.  This version includes information about the SAMs added into the game by the High Digit SAM Mod (HDSM).  There are also diagrams of the common site layouts for each SAM system based upon real world SAM sites.

This version includes the following:
REDFOR:  SA-2, SA-3, SA-5, SA-6, SA-8, SA-9, SA-10B (DCS), SA-10B (HDSM), SA-10C (HDSM), SA-11, SA-13, SA-15, SA-17, SA-19, SA-20A (HDSM), SA-20B (HDSM), SA-23 (HDSM), and HQ-7
BLUFOR:  MIM-23 Hawk, MIM-104 Patriot, NASAMS, MIM-115 Roland ADS, Rapier

Install to your kneeboard section in Saved Games by unzipping the .zip file into the appropriate aircraft's kneeboard folder.  See readme for further details if you don't have a kneeboard folder already.

V2.1 - 16 June 2023
    -Added NATO Threat Table Numbers
    -Added SA-17 Point Defense Message
    -Fixed SAM Ranges for DCS Core SAMs from the LUA Datamine
    -Fixed Certain SAM layouts (SA-5, HAWK, SA-11, and SA-17)
    -Fixed SA-17 Radar Name (Changed from Fire Dome to Chair Back)
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 6.43 Mb
  • Downloaded: 7640
  • Comments: 23