Jurassic Park - Huey - Marianas - Itdan2000 & Bioris

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Jurassic Park - Huey - Marianas - Itdan2000 & Bioris

Uploaded by - Bioris
Date - 05/11/2023 16:30:01
- Transport John Hammond and his friends by armed Huey helicopter to the island of Jurassic Park. It may have velociraptors out of Danger Zone.

                       J U R A S S I C     P A R K


- Original Mission by : Itdan2000 = scenery with buildings, film music.
- Modified by : Bioris - May 2023 = Add : Triggers, texts, red units, monsters noises ... all the story.

Thanks to Itdan2000 for the building of scenery on this island and the film music.


- Mariana Island - Huey

- Transport John Hammond and his friends by armed Huey helicopter to the island of Jurassic Park.

- Drop off John Hammond and his friends on the lake helipad.

- Stay available to John Hammond by radio.

- He can call you at any time.


- Sommaire de toutes les missions :
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 83.65 Mb
  • Downloaded: 562
  • Comments: 8