Persian Gulf Upgraded Map Template - Project GRIDS

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Persian Gulf Upgraded Map Template - Project GRIDS
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Persian Gulf Upgraded Map Template - Project GRIDS

Uploaded by - DeletedUser_1806822
Date - 08/28/2022 20:22:32
An upgraded .miz mission file for the Persian Gulf that combines the following maps: Persian Gulf Oil Rigs Static Template by Minsky, Persian Gulf SAM, EWR, and Strategic Infrastructure (V 0.99.2) Map by P. Arnold, and Realistic Persian Gulf Map - Easy by static_actual. ALL UPDATES LISTED IN SCREENSHOTS. MASSIVLEY updated all three original maps into one. Includes hundreds of strategic infrastructural, military, WMD, and air defense targets for Iran, Oman, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia cohesively. Now provides thousands of static targets for nearly every strategic site included on the entire map. Accounts for theoretical wartime placements to ensure an equal spread/distribution of strategic assets in an actual “shooting war scenario”. SAM sites were placed according to research, accuracy, and theoretical placements, and include both detailed and undetailed map areas. 130+ oil rigs accurately mapped and place with the help of MarineTraffic, Infield, ArcGIS, etc, and hidden by default.

PROJECT G.R.I.D.S, by ISMASHEDKYLIE, is also known as the GULF REGION INTEGRATED DISPLAY SYSTEM. It began as a small project to accurately map Iranian surface to air missile sites and complexes to be set in the late 2010s DCS time period, but blossomed into much more. While a number of base maps were available to build off of – their initial accuracy was somewhat questionable, as each map template had their own specific strengths. Three maps in particular proved to be of great help in establishing the theme for mapping the air defense, naval asset, and infrastructural portions of PROJECT G.R.I.D.S. These three maps were welded together for an inclusive experience.

The Persian Gulf Oil Rigs Static Template by Minsky.
The Persian Gulf SAM, EWR, and Strategic Infrastructure (V 0.99.2) Map by P. Arnold
Realistic Persian Gulf Map - Easy by static_actual

This project is a combination of these three maps. In-depth research, however, allowed PROJECT G.R.I.D.S to correct previous errors present in the three maps, provide accurate geostrategic updates, input missing strategic defense sites, remove duplicate or inactive sites, and even alter numerous environmental factors for a whole, integrated regional scenario that a majority of DCS players will find both exciting and easy to use.

To put it simply – PROJECT G.R.I.D.S took the best aspect of all three of these amazing maps and layered them into a cake before baking even more content into the merged map afterwards.

Notable features of PROJECT G.R.I.D.S:

Includes hundreds of strategic infrastructural, military, WMD, and air defense targets for Iran, Oman, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia in a cohesive manner.

Uniquely provides a roster of static targets for nearly every strategic site included on the entire map. If it is included on PROJECT G.R.I.D.S as a strategic target of importance, then there is a 99% chance that numerous, accurate static objects have been placed at the target marker to accurately represent the target itself, whether that be a power plant complex, missile production facility, or an airbase with static aircraft/air wings. Exceptions to this rule include strategic airfields or airports in real life that do not have a military presence to begin with (ex. abandoned airstrips, civilian airfields, etc) and have no appropriate static objects. For those who are either very lazy, pressed for time, or simply seeking to hop right into the action, this means that you do not have to place your own static objects at any strategic sites to run your missions. They are already provided. Simply plug and play. Choose your target from the 1,168 units I loaded into the map, or feel free to add your own.

Accounts for theoretical wartime placements to ensure an equal spread/distribution of strategic assets in an actual “shooting war scenario”. This includes partial assignment of air asset squadrons to numerous bases, surface to air missile batteries to certain locations, and much more. All theoretical distributions across the map for each nation come with a note marking them as such.

All SAM sites were constructed with accurate battery numbers in mind for Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Oman, and Iran. Theoretical numbers/locations for wartime dispersal etc were weighed very carefully before placement, and a great deal of in-depth research was conducted to ensure as much accuracy as possible for “possible” sites.

SAM sites have been placed in detailed and un-detailed areas of the map for accuracy cohesion. Locations for these sites were gathered through open-source research and relies on IMINT and other things. Launcher numbers and orientation were taken into account. P. Arnold did much of the heavy lifting here with his previous map, but this project expanded GREATLY upon his work.

Sites will be upd ated accordingly as time goes on and more information becomes available. I intend for PROJECT G.R.I.D.S to be as dynamic as possible.

Minsky deserves full credit for his amazing work regarding the naval aspect of PROJECT G.R.I.D.S. Over 130 oil rigs have been accurately mapped and place with the help of MarineTraffic, Infield, ArcGIS, and other sources. As told by Minsky: “...[the] Rigs' countries have been assigned based on their current position in different territorial waters. Fairly correct and current maritime boundaries are provided to aid in mission planning. A YAK-40 model has been included to draw the maritime boundaries that exist only in the mission editor. It can’t be seen in-game, nor will it affect any missions.”

Nearly every strategic site present in the original three maps has been expanded upon, altered, corrected, shifted, or trimmed for accurate representation in the Gulf theater. A majority of the original maps were released between 2018 and 2021. DCS constantly adds new legacy units. This map is being released in 2022, and includes units that were previously missing due to not being added to the game.

The default date of the PROJECT G.R.I.D.S scenario is 1 June 2018 at 0600 hours local time. Intended unit placement and accuracy adheres to that.

Default hidden unit options for trigger zone markers (used to note and title strategic sites) and objects such as the oil rigs/static ships help to declutter the map, but can easily be toggled in the scenario editor.

All units have been se t to “random” difficulty by default. This provides a dynamic campaign every time you play, and accounts for the fact that we truly do not know what units are operating with reservists, contracted soldiers, officers, and the like, or the extent of their training. You can edit this yourself if you feel the need.

This template is available in a .MIZ file format for easy loading.


Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions, comments, or concerns via my Twitter account: @itswildsean. I can typically be seen around the DCS servers under the callsign of ISMASHEDKYLIE.

Please reach out to Dmitriy Kozyrev for more information regarding naval assets and oil rigs throughout the Persian Gulf region at

Please reach out to P. Arnold over at the DCS World Forums for more information about his previous research into Iranian SAM Sites and strategic locations.

Please reach out to static_actual over at the DCS World Forums for more information about her previous research into Iranian SAM Sites and strategic locations.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 13.36 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1826
  • Comments: 12
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