
Home > User Files > Nighthawks
DCS World 2.7


Uploaded by - spencergs
Date - 04/23/2022 15:57:46
Teaser video:

A full-featured and very fun night mission heavy on atmosphere.  Featuring music, unique voiceovers (acted, not text to speech), and multiple paths for replayability.  

Takeoff from a FARP in a 'hidden gem' area of the Persian Gulf map.  Fly low through valleys until you arrive over Marvdascht.

You can play this as the Apache, and/or the Blackhawk in single-player or co-op.

As the Apache, you'll get to assault an insurgent compound and destroy a VBIED (suicide bomber) before he reaches our troops waiting for extract.

As the Blackhawk (UH-60L mod required), you'll need to extract troops from Marvdascht before artillery strikes hit.  

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Tonight we are supporting a push into Marvdasht. Several friendly patrols in town have confirmed heavy enemy presence to the south, to include SA11 and Artillery. Stay low and stay frosty.

Get our patrols out and remove targets of opportunity that would hinder our advance. Predator drone BLACKKITE will update with tasking as available. Let’s get this show on the road girls and boys.


RAVEN (Blackhawk):
Extract three groups of troops from Mavdasht and drop them off at the FARP just North of the city.

Escort Raven and destroy any threats.

**  TIPS **

Very early in the mission the Apache will be given a choice between two paths (via the radio menu):

Option 1) VBIED (suicide bomb vehicle) that you should destroy before it reaches it's target

Option 2) Assault on an INSURGENT COMPOUND, with drone laser target designation (use NVGs)

SAM sites:
These are not a mission target and they will not be a long as you stay below 500 feet.

Gunslinger should stay close to Raven until Waypoint 3.


Voice acting by:

Whither as "Baron"
Whither as "Raven"
Seastar as "Black Kite"
Mr. Nobody as "Dingo"
Grimm as "Gunslinger" pilot
LittleRed as "Gunslinger" CPG

Featuring music by:

M.I.A. "Bad Girls"

AC/DC "Thunderstruck"

Stevie Ray Vaughan "Voodoo Child"
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 56.64 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1198
  • Comments: 2