NO MODS NEEDED except the VNAO T-45C...
Update v 1.3: Kept RangeScript by Ciribob, removed CVN-71 and 476 vFG Range Targets
Update v 1.4: Corrected some information in the mission briefing.
Use radio "F10 Other..." to activate the helper gates on ground. Switch on A-G mode, select Mk 76 bomb. If you use MAN mode use the UFC to se t your reticle depression. Try to hit the targets with your bombs. Follow the pattern to repeat. This mission includes all four variants (high, medium, low, oblique), selected via the radio.
Helper Gates don't work in Multiplayer
Based on the T-45 Strike training manual.
Switch aircraft at the beginning to activate the range script: select the "Range" option in the F10 communication menu to review your accuracy.
Read the Navy manual and then practice with this mission. Kneeboard and mission images help remind you about the attack profile.
Currently the VNAO T-45C doesn't show KTAS on the HUD (true airspeed, which you need for bombing with the manual reticle), but you can see it on the ADI. Make your first pass level at release altitude and set your trim and note the indicated airspeed when you're at the correct true airspeed.
Also the VNAO T-45C releases all the bombs if you hold the release button for too long. Seems there is no difference in ripple vs. single mode.
Check out my bombing missions for the F/A-18C:
F/A-18C All-in-one: