87th FIS F-106 Delta Dart "Heritage", 87th Flying Training Squadron, 47th Flying Training Wing, 68-8121, Laughlin AFB, TX

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87th FIS F-106 Delta Dart "Heritage", 87th Flying Training Squadron, 47th Flying Training Wing, 68-8121, Laughlin AFB, TX

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - Jumper77A
Date - 09/10/2021 07:05:47
A replica of 87th FTS "Heritage" T-38 68-8121.  This Heritage jet is a nod to the F-106 Delta Darts flown by the 87th Fighter Interceptor Squadron from 1971-1985.  The 87 FIS was part of the United's States Air Defense Force stationed at Duluth Airport, MN, and K.I. Sawyer AFB, MI.

A replica of 87th FTS "Heritage" T-38 68-8121.  Please Enjoy!
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
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  • Comments: 2