F-14A Navy Fighter Weapon School Red 33 & Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center Red 13 BUNO 160913
BUNO 159855 was painted in an Asia minor like camo, with a slghtly different pattern and darker colors. it belonged to NFWS as 33 and later to NSAWC as 13.
Special thanks to sadjad-vosoul whomade the original asia minor skin on which I reield heavily and used as a base for this livery.
link to his original asia minor F-14 https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3304396/
This is part of a number of NFWS and NSAWC F-14s That I'm doing. Should you find any errors or have any suggestion please let me know.
The package includes both 13 and 33 liveries
custom all red ACMI pod
custom cap-9 textures for the aim-9
custom training aim-7 and aim-54
custom helmet: for the NSAWC plane I took inspiration from their HGU-55s (the desert texture one) using porcorosso86's roughmet that he made for the F-18 that kindly allwed me to.
link to the original helmet by porcorosso https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3309928/