High resolution Syria DCS F10 map for Google Earth

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High resolution Syria DCS F10 map for Google Earth

Type - Other
Uploaded by - Isaac_h_e
Date - 01/05/2021 11:39:14
This map is a port from DCS F10 Syria map to Google Earth so that you can use all the (free) features from Google earth Pro to aid in mission creation.
Note that this is a raster extraction of the original Syrian map, not the expanded/extended version that came latter on. I may create a new one for the full Syria if there is enough demand.

After downloading the .zip file, you have to decompress what you just downloaded.
The decompression will leave you with with a folder named "GoogleEarthGeneral2", this folder will contain 4934 .kmz files and one "stitch_georef_root.kml" file, to open Google superoverlay you just need to double click that .kml file.

Software used:
Windows 10 Snipping Tool
Google Earth Pro (64-bit)
DCS Mission Editor 2.5.6
Quantum GIS (QGIS) 3.16.2 (64-bit)
Microsoft Image Composite Editor (ICE) 2.0.3 (64-bit)
7ZIP 19.00 (64-bit)

Map copyright goes to Ugra Media.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 46.99 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1021
  • Comments: 4