FW-190 A-8 2./JGr 10. Parchim (Germany) 1944.

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FW-190 A-8 2./JGr 10. Parchim (Germany) 1944.

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - Perrete
Date - 02/09/2020 20:00:13
FW-190 A-8, 2./JGr 10., Pilot: Feldwebel R. Hartkopf black eight edged in red, Parchim (Germany) Summer 1944.

Este skin representa el FW-190 A-8 perteneciente al 2./JGr 10. (Piloto: Feldwebel R. Hartkopf) y con numeral 8 negro ribeteado en rojo desplegado en Parchim (Germany) Summer 1944.  Posteriormente pasó a formar parte del JG 300.<br /><br />
Presenta una característica serpiente roja y amarilla en ambos lados del fuselaje.<br /><br />
Colores empleados RLM 74, 75 y 76.

This skin represents the FW-190 A-8 belonging to 2./JGr 10. (Pilot: Feldwebel R. Hartkopf) and with numeral black eight edged in red deployed in Parchim (Germany) Summer 1944. Later it became part of the JG 300.<br /><br />
It has a characteristic red and yellow snake on both sides of the fuselage.<br /><br />
Employed colors RLM 74, RLM 75 and RLM 76<br /><br />
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 23.83 Mb
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