F-5E BRASIL - Exec Freedom

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F-5E BRASIL - Exec Freedom

Uploaded by - thecamper
Date - 12/14/2019 20:35:33

Fictional situation [ Mission 01 ]

The ALFA and BRAVO countries, located on the Georgian Continent, are historically known for the territorial conflict involving the dominance of oil exploration in the extensive Coastal Strip. Since the end of the famous Liberation War in 2010, when ALFA broke free from almost a century of political and economic domination of BRAVO, diplomatic relations between the two nations have remained very worn out.

In April 2019, after being defeated in a military clash on the East Coast of the Georgian Continent involving dispute over oil basins, BRAVO withdraws his troops inland. In September of this year, BRAVO, in a new attempt to stabilize its economy, this time through the production of thermoelectric energy, intends against ALFA coal reserves, located in the region West. Subduing the local population, BRAVO concentrates its troops in the vicinity of the region and seizes the main coal mines located in the city of Poti. After all possibilities of diplomatic solutions were exhausted, legal resolutions were issued authorizing the military intervention of ALFA in order to neutralize BRAVO's military capacity in the region.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 3.14 Mb
  • Downloaded: 225
  • Comments: 1