F-14 Redfor Livery (Soviet or Polish; Fictional)

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DCS World 2.5
F-14 Tomcat

F-14 Redfor Livery (Soviet or Polish; Fictional)

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - A_Kestrel
Date - 08/21/2019 17:20:47
This one is for all of you who fly the Tomcat on Redfor!

This is a fictional redfor Livery for the F-14, based on numerous Flogger liveries by Kestrel.
Available with both Soviet and Polish air force emblems.

UPDATE: Finally added LoD files, after realizing i didn't add them a month after releasing
Sorry it took so long

Just unzip it into DCS World OpenBeta(or release)\CoreMods\aircraft\F14\Liveries in your main DCS directory.
Size unzipped: 2 * 145MB = 290MB

Any and all feedback is very welcome!

If you like this livery, I've made a very similar livery for the F-15 Eagle here
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 80.5 Mb
  • Downloaded: 547
  • Comments: 1