Updated mission!!
Falklands War se t in Normandy Map. Based on real life events of June 8 1982. Please take the time to watch the video before playing the mission.
Credit to Smithsonian Channel for the video.
It's 10 weeks into the Falklands War, and two British Harriers find themselves protecting damaged ships. Suddenly, Argentine Skyhawks appear on the horizon and a fight ensues.
Skin used FAA1 download from https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3053236/
Modern RAF Pilot download from https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3068079/
Improved Dust, Smoke and Contrails by Kuky https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/2161594/?sphrase_id=9302768
UK Royal Marines SA342 Skin With Pilots https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/2329110/
Feel free to comment as I am new to mission editing and would like feedback to improve in this area.
While unloading on 8 June, the British ships were attacked by two waves of A-4 Skyhawks from the Argentine Air Force's 5th Air Brigade, each of them loaded with three 500 lb retarding tail bombs. At approximately 14:00 local time the ships RFA Sir Tristram and RFA Sir Galahad were badly damaged. At 16:50 a second wave, composed by four A-4Bs of Grupo 5 hit and sank a Landing Craft Utility from HMS Fearless. Sea Harrier combat air patrol was already on scene and responded; three Skyhawks were shot down and their pilots killed, The fourth aircraft suffered combat damage and lost a large amount of fuel, but returned to the mainland assisted by a KC-130 tanker.
Added heaps more to this mission including voice overs, longer time on station (fuel management is essential if you want to stay around for the fight) enemy air defenses, third wave and also 801 NAS is there to relive you and your wingman.