DCSW Su-33 - Heavy Sky Campaign (Patch for Game) (v1.57x)

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DCSW Su-33 - Heavy Sky Campaign (Patch for Game) (v1.57x)

Type - Campaign
Uploaded by - MadDog-IC
Date - 09/05/2017 13:02:34
This is the Su-33 Heavy Sky Campaign (Works with the Su-33 PFM enhancement) that came with the Flaming Cliffs module by default, that was removed in DCS v1.57x and has many fixes applied to make missions work as originally intended.

These missions are all Eagle Dynamics original work, but over the course of time, patches, and programming errors have arisen to break the missions, so I have corrected them as best I can and to make them a little more realistic and to work properly.

Installing the replacement Updates
- Copy the Mods directory from the Downloaded ZIP file into your ..\DCS World\ directory and overwrite all files.
- Run DCS Campaign from DCS as usual

Repairs done by MadDog-IC

Changelog 1.2 for v1.5710175 (Su-33 PFM upd ate) 19-11-2017
- Changed - Ru Carrier (Kuznetsov) in all missions to steam at 59km/h and into head wind.
- Changed - All missions with wind speeds of less than 5 m/s to 10 m/s or greater.
- Changed - Missions 10 and 15 wind direction to create head winds for carrier takeoff.
- Checked - All missions that a RU Su-33 (Player) and AI can take off: = (Passed).
- (BUG) - Current issue with v1.57x and Su-33 PFM causing all Su-33 AI aircraft to crash on takeoff from carrier. - (Fixed)
- (BUG) - Current issue with v1.57x causing all AI aircraft to ignore waypoint speeds. - (BUG)
- (BUG) - RU-Su-33 (Player) - not landing correctly all the time on carrier. - (Fixed)

Changelog 1.1 for v1.57x 01-09-2017
- (BUG) Current issue with v1.57x causing all AI aircraft to ignore waypoint speeds. (BUG)
- (BUG) - CH-47 land command onto FARP causes them to shut chopper down and disembark from it. - (BUG)

Changelog 1.0 30-08-2017
- Fixed - All Airport Coalitions
- Fixed - All aircraft landing waypoints snapped to airfields
- Fixed - All russian names to english
- Fixed - All vehicles and waypoints on road - snapped and aligned to road
- Using - Flag 50 for start and Flag 100 for Mission Success on all missions
- Changed - A lot of flights waypoints and airspeeds.
- Changed - US CV Carl Vinson positions and course to line up with other missions positioning
- Added - US CV Carl Vinson to mission without it, to keep consistancy.
- Voices - Command=Zira, SEAD and BOMBERS=David, CAP and CAS and Fighter Sweep=Hazel
- (BUG) - RU-Su-33 (Player) - not landing correctly all the time on carrier - (BUG)
- (BUG) - AI Landing at Sochi-adler don't use full runway and does a u-turn mid way. - (BUG)
- (BUG) - AI Landing at Gelendzhik don't use full runway and does a u-turn mid way. - (BUG)
- (BUG) - AI Landing at Nalchik and flights waiting to takeoff, don't wait and slam into the landing aircraft. - (BUG)
- (BUG) - Changed RU-SU-33 (Player) flight - Take-off positions on carrier - Initial heading (Only 0',90',180' will work) - (BUG)

Mission - Su-33 - Heavy Sky - 01 (Relocation).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice overs for Commander=Zira
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All FIGHTER SWEEP aircrafts set to Fighter sweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added - RU-AWACS, US-AWACS orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Added - "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions

- Units
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 (Player) flight - Closed up formation to be a bit tighter
    - Changed - RU-MIG-29S-1 + 2 flights - Loadouts
    - Changed - RU-SU-27 - Loadouts
    - (BUG) - AI Landing at Sochi-adler don't use full runway and does a u-turn mid way. - (BUG)

- Briefing

- Scoring
    - Changed - Start + Land (50 + 50)
- DCSW v1.5x Compatibility
    - Changed - RU Su-33 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Passive Defence
    - Changed - All FIGHTER aircraft - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE (Night at 00:15, Foggy)(BUG)

Mission - Su-33 - Heavy Sky - 02 (Restless Morning).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice overs for Commander=Zira, All Mig-29=Hazel, SEAD=David
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All FIGHTER SWEEP aircrafts set to Fighter sweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Changed - All SEAD flights to SEAD -a -x and engage in zones set.
    - Added - RU-AWACS, US-AWACS, RU-BOMBER orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Added - "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 (Player) flight - Loadouts
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 (Wingmen) flight - Loadouts    
    - Changed - RU-MIG-29S-1 flight - Loadouts
    - Changed - RU-MIG-29S-2 flight - Loadouts
    - Changed - RU-SU-24 SEAD 1 + 2 - Loadouts for longer range shots
    - (BUG) - AI Landing at Sochi-adler don't use full runway and does a u-turn mid way. (BUG)

- Briefing
    - Changed - To describe mission better.

- Scoring
    - Changed - Start + Recon + G-SA-11-1 DEAD + Land (50 + 30 + 10 + 50)
- DCSW v1.5x Compatibility
    - Changed - RU Su-33 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man, ECM=Use if Locked or Scanned by radar.
    - Changed - RU Su-25m SEAD Flights - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - All FIGHTER aircraft to: - Reaction to Threat = Evasive Vertical Man.
    - Fixed - F-15c loadouts for Aim-120
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE (BUG)

Mission - Su-33 - Heavy Sky - 03 (First Battle).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice overs for Commander=Zira, All Mig-29=Hazel
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Changed - All FIGHTER SWEEP aircrafts set to Fighter sweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added - RU-AWACS, US-AWACS orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Added - "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 (Player) flight - Loadouts    
    - Changed - RU-MIG-29S flight - Loadouts
    - Changed - RU-SU-27 flight - Loadouts
    - (BUG) - AI Landing at Sochi-adler don't use full runway and does a u-turn mid way. (BUG)

- Briefing
    - Changed - To describe mission better.

- Scoring
    - Changed - Start + US F-14a DEAD + Land (50 + 30 + 50)
- DCSW v1.5x Compatibility
    - Changed - RU Su-33 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Changed - RU Su-25 CAS Flights - Reaction to Threat = Passive Defence, Restrict Jettison = ON.
    - Changed - All FIGHTER aircraft to: - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Fixed - F-15c loadouts for Aim-120
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE (BUG)

Mission - Su-33 - Heavy Sky - 04 (Unusual Mission).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice overs for Commander=Zira, All Mig-29=Hazel.
    - Changed - Some flights from late start to mission start.  
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All FIGHTER SWEEP aircrafts set to Fighter sweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added - RU-AWACS, US-AWACS orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Added - "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 (Player) flight - Loadouts    
    - Changed - RU-MIG-29S flight - Loadouts
    - (BUG) - AI Landing at Beslan does a u-turn at end of runway. (BUG)

- Briefing
    - Changed - To describe mission better.

- Scoring
    - Changed - Start + US F-16a DEAD + Land (50 + 30 + 50)
- DCSW v1.5x Compatibility
    - Changed - RU Su-33 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Changed - All FIGHTER aircraft to: - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Fixed - F-15c loadouts for Aim-120
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE (BUG)

Mission - Su-33 - Heavy Sky - 05 (Fight in the Mountains).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice overs for Commander=Zira, All Mig-29=Hazel.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All FIGHTER SWEEP aircrafts set to Fighter sweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added - RU-AWACS, US-AWACS orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Added - "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 (Player) flight - Loadouts
    - Changed - RU-MIG-29S flight - Loadouts
    - Changed - UKR-SU-27 - Loadouts
    - (BUG) - AI Landing at Beslan does a u-turn at end of runway. (BUG)

- Briefing
    - Changed - To describe mission better.

- Scoring
    - Changed - Start + US F-14 #001 DEAD + Land (50 + 30 + 50)
- DCSW v1.5x Compatibility
    - Changed - RU Su-33 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Changed - All FIGHTER aircraft to: - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE (BUG)

Mission - Su-33 - Heavy Sky - 06 (Return).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice overs for Commander=Zira, All Mig-29=Hazel, Ru Su-33 (Backup)=David.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All FIGHTER SWEEP aircrafts set to Fighter sweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added - RU-AWACS, US-AWACS orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Added - "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 flight (Player) - Loadouts
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 flight - Loadouts    
    - Changed - RU-MIG-29S flight - Loadouts
    - Changed - UKR-SU-27 - Loadouts

- Briefing
    - Changed - To describe mission better.

- Scoring
    - Changed - Start + F-15c DEAD + FA-18c DEAD + Land (50 + 15 + 15 + 50)
- DCSW v1.5x Compatibility
    - Changed - RU Su-33 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Changed - All FIGHTER aircraft to: - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Fixed - F-15c loadouts for Aim-120
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE (Carrier ops)

Mission - Su-33 - Heavy Sky - 07 (Attack Group Cover).miz
- Triggers
    - Added Win and Loss messages.
    - Added Voice overs for Commander=Zira, All Mig-29=Hazel, RU Su-34 (Strike) (120)=David
    - Added - Bombs in zone and logic for bombing operation.
    - Changed - Waypoints, late starts, etc of all flights.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All FIGHTER SWEEP aircrafts set to Fighter sweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added - RU-AWACS, US-AWACS orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Added - "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 (Player) flight - Loadouts
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 (Backup) flight - Loadouts    
    - Changed - RU-MIG-29S flight - Loadouts
    - Changed - UKR-SU-27 flight - Loadouts
    - Changed - RU-SU-34 (Strike) flight - Loadouts (BetAB-500)
    - (BUG) - US Carrier (Carl Vinson)and F-14's not taking off correctly - (BUG)

- Briefing
    - Changed - To describe mission better.

- Scoring
    - Changed - Start + US F-14a DEAD + RU Su-34 Bombed + Land (50 + 30 + 10 + 50)
- DCSW v1.5x Compatibility
    - Changed - RU Su-33 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Changed - RU Su-34 (Strike) - Reaction to Threat = Passive Defence, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - All FIGHTER aircraft to: - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE (Carrier Ops)

Mission - Su-33 - Heavy Sky - 08 (Night Intercept).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice overs for Commander=Zira, All Mig-29=Hazel.
    - Added - Bombing in Zone for US B1-B on Gudauta AB

- Waypoints
    - Changed - All FIGHTER SWEEP aircrafts set to Fighter sweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added - "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 flight (Player) - Loadouts    
    - Changed - RU-MIG-29S flight - Loadouts

- Briefing
    - Changed - To describe mission better.

- Scoring
    - Changed - Start + US B1-B (STRIKE) DEAD + Land (50 + 30 + 50)
- DCSW v1.5x Compatibility
    - Changed - RU Su-33 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Changed - US B1-B (Strike) - Reaction to Threat = Passive Defence, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - All FIGHTER aircraft to: - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE (Night at 22:00)

Mission - Su-33 - Heavy Sky - 09 (Patrol in the Mountains).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice overs for Commander=Zira.
    - Removed - "Begin assault zone" and all late activations on US HELO's
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All CAS aircrafts set to CAS -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Changed - All CAP aircrafts set to CAP -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added - RU-AWACS, US-AWACS orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Added - RU-IL-78M TANKER and orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Added - "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 (Player) flight - Loadouts    
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 (Player) flight:- From fighter sweep to CAP so will engage choppers
    - Changed - US AH-1W flight - Fuel load of 100% to 54% fuel as they were overweight.
    - Changed - US AH-1H and AH-64 choppers from:- Ground attack to CAS to make attack convoy.
    - (BUG) - Changed Kuznetsov Carrier intial heading to fix incorrect RU-SU-33 (Player) flight take-off positions - (Only 0',90',180' will work) (BUG)
    - Added - RU IL-78m Tanker for refuelling on way back to carrier.

- Briefing
    - Changed - To explain mission better.

- Scoring
    - Changed - Start + US AH-1W DEAD + US AH-64 DEAD + US Convoy alive and Land (50 + 15 + 15 + 50)
- DCSW v1.5x Compatibility
    - Changed - RU Su-33 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Changed - All other Aircraft to: - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE (Carrier ops)

Mission - Su-33 - Heavy Sky - 10 (Foggy Morning).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice overs for Commander=Zira, All Mig-29 and Su-27=Hazel, RU Su-33 (Backup)=David
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All FIGHTER SWEEP aircrafts set to Fighter sweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added - "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999
    - Added - Ru Convoy to "Fire at zones" at both US airfields
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 flight - Loadouts    
    - Changed - RU-MIG-29S flight - Loadouts
    - Changed - UKR-SU-27 flight - Loadouts
    - Added - RU Convoy from previous mission for continuity.

- Briefing
    - Changed - Included more detail about mission.

- Scoring
    - Changed - Start + F-15c DEAD + FA-18c DEAD + Land (50 + 15 + 15 + 20)
- DCSW v1.5x Compatibility
    - Changed - RU Su-33 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Changed - All FIGHTER aircraft to: - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Changed Time of Day to from 05:00 to 05:45 to match original missions lighting.
    - Fixed - F-15c loadouts for Aim-120
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE (Night at 05:00am, Foggy)(Carrier ops)

Mission - Su-33 - Heavy Sky - 11 (Ferry Flight).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice overs for Commander=Zira, All Mig-29=Hazel, RU Mig=23MLD (120)=David
    - Changed - Some flights from late start to mission start
    - Deleted - Begin Attack Zone
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All FIGHTER SWEEP aircrafts set to Fighter sweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added - RU-AWACS, US-AWACS orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Added - "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 flight - Loadouts    
    - Changed - RU-MIG-29S flight - Loadouts
    - Added - CV Kuznetzov
    - Added - RU Convoy from previous mission for continuity.
    - (BUG) - AI Landing at Nalchik and flights waiting to takeoff, don't wait and slam into the landing aircraft. (BUG)

- Briefing
    - Changed - Included more detail about mission.

- Scoring
    - Changed - Start + US F-16c DEAD + Land (50 + 30 + 50)
- DCSW v1.5x Compatibility
    - Changed - RU Su-33 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Changed - All FIGHTER aircraft to: - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Fixed - F-15c loadouts for Aim-120
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE (BUG)

Mission - Su-33 - Heavy Sky - 12 (Ground Strike).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice overs for Commander=Zira, All Mig-29=Hazel
    - Added - Extra Explosions to the US FARP to simulate ammo explosions and help destroy US CH-47 Helo.
    - Added - Bombs in zone and logic for bombing operation.
    - Removed - All requirements to sink Enemy Ship (Tanker).
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Changed - All FIGHTER SWEEP aircrafts set to Fighter sweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added - RU-AWACS, US-AWACS orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Added - "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 (Player)flight - Ground Attack and Loadouts.
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 (Player Wingmen) - Backup the RU-Mig-29s escort if needed.
    - Changed - Renamed Enemy Tanker to a cargo ship, moved it.    
    - Changed - RU-MIG-29S flight - Loadouts and from 2 ship to 4 ship.
    - Changed - US Ship (Tanker) to (Cargo) to match up with next mission.
    - Added - RU Convoy from previous mission for continuity.
- Briefing
    - Changed - Included more detail about mission.
    - Removed - Reference to taking out Ship if you had time / ammo.
- Scoring
    - Changed - Start + US CH-47 DEAD + Land (50 + 30 + 50)
- DCSW v1.5x Compatibility
    - Changed - RU Su-33 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Passive Defence, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - All other Aircraft to: - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - (BUG) - CH-47 land command onto FARP causes them to shut chopper down and disembark from it. - (BUG)
    - Fixed - F-15c loadouts for Aim-120
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE (BUG)(Carrier ops)

Mission - Su-33 - Heavy Sky - 13 (Strike at the sea target).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice overs for Commander=Zira, All MIG-29s=Hazel, All SU-33=David.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All Anti-Ship aircrafts set to Anti-ship -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Changed - All FIGHTER SWEEP aircrafts set to Fighter sweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added - RU-AWACS, US-AWACS orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Added - "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 (Player Wingmen) flight - Loadouts
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 (Backup) flight - Loadouts    
    - Changed - RU-MIG-29S flight - Loadouts

- Briefing
    - Changed - To mention RU Mig-29 fighter cover, etc.

- Scoring
    - Changed - Start + G Tanker DEAD + Land (50 + 30 + 50)
- DCSW v1.5x Compatibility
    - Changed - RU Su-33 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Passive Defence, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - All FIGHTER aircraft to: - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Changed - Cloud layer at 3000m to 3400m to allow player to see sea target at assigned altitude of 3000m.
    - Fixed - F-15c loadouts for Aim-120
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE (Carrier ops)

Mission - Su-33 - Heavy Sky - 14 (Assistance).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice overs for Commander=Zira, All MIG-29s=Hazel, All SU-33=David, RU Su-25T (Strike)=David.
    - Added - Bombs in zone and logic for bombing operation.
    - Changed - waypoints, late starts, etc of all flights
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All FIGHTER SWEEP aircrafts set to Fighter sweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added - RU-AWACS, US-AWACS orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Added - "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 (Player) flight - Loadouts    
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 (Backup) flight - Loadouts
    - Changed - RU-MIG-29S flight - Loadouts
    - Changed - RU-SU-25T (Strike) flight - Loadouts (BetAB-500)
    - Changed - All US F-14a (Enfield) flights - Loadouts (Restricted aim-154x2) and from 4 to 2 aircraft.
    - Added - US F-14a (Enfield 2-1), (Enfield 3-1) - Loadouts and timed to leave carrier 10 minutes apart.

- Briefing
    - Changed - To describe mission better.

- Scoring
    - Changed - Start + US F-14a (Enfield 1-1, 2-1, 3-1) DEAD + RU SU-25T Bombed + Land (50 + 30 + 10 + 50)
- DCSW v1.5x Compatibility
    - Changed - RU Su-33 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Changed - RU Su-25T (Strike) - Reaction to Threat = Passive Defence, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - All FIGHTER aircraft to: - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE (Carrier ops)

Mission - Su-33 - Heavy Sky - 15 (Air transport intercept).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice overs for Commander=Zira, All Mig-29s=Hazel
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All FIGHTER SWEEP aircrafts set to Fighter sweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added - RU-AWACS, US-AWACS orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Added - RU-IL-78M TANKER and orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Added - "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 flight - Loadouts    
    - Changed - RU-MIG-29S flight - Loadouts
    - Added - RU IL-78m Tanker for refuelling on way back to Sukhumi.
    - Added - G ZSU-23 for Kutaisi

- Briefing
    - Changed - To describe mission better.

- Scoring
    - Changed - Start + US FA-18C + US-TRANSPORT #1 + US-TRANSPORT #2 + US-TRANSPORT #3 + Land (50 + 10 + 10 +10 + 10 + 50)
- DCSW v1.5x Compatibility
    - Changed - RU Su-33 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Changed - All FIGHTER aircraft to: - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Fixed - F-15c loadouts for Aim-120
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE (NIGHT at 21:30, Rainy and Foggy)(Carrier ops)

Mission - Su-33 - Heavy Sky - 16 (Mountain Flight).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice overs for Commander=Zira, UKR Mig-29S (125)=Hazel
    - Removed - "Begin Assault zone" and made flight go at mission start.
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All FIGHTER SWEEP aircrafts set to Fighter sweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added - RU-AWACS, US-AWACS orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Added - "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 flight - Loadouts    
    - Changed - UKR-MIG-29S flight - Loadouts
    - Changed - US-Fa-18c flight - Loadouts
    - Added - G ZSU-23 for Kutaisi to follow on from previous mission.

- Briefing
    - Changed - To describe mission better.

- Scoring
    - Changed - Start + US FA-18C DEAD + Land (50 + 30 + 50)
- DCSW v1.5x Compatibility
    - Changed - RU Su-33 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Changed - All FIGHTER aircraft to: - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE (Carrier ops)

Mission - Su-33 - Heavy Sky - 17 (Intercept of recon UAV).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice overs for Commander=Zira, RU Mig-29S (110)=Hazel, All RU SU-33=David
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All FIGHTER SWEEP aircrafts set to Fighter sweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added - RU-AWACS, US-AWACS orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Added - "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 flight - Loadouts
    - Changed - RU SU-33 (Player Wingmen) - Loadouts    
    - Changed - RU-MIG-29S flight - Loadouts
    - Added - RU EWR to match with briefing.

- Briefing
    - Changed - To describe mission better.

- Scoring
    - Changed - Start + US MQ-1A DEAD + US F-16 DEAD + Land (50 + 30 + 10 + 50)
- DCSW v1.5x Compatibility
    - Changed - RU Su-33 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Changed - All FIGHTER aircraft to: - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE (Night at 20:15) (Carrier ops)

Mission - Su-33 - Heavy Sky - 18 (Air Fight).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice overs for Commander=Zira, All Mig-29S=Hazel, All Su-33=David, RU TU-22 (Strike)=David
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All FIGHTER SWEEP aircrafts set to Fighter sweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added - RU-AWACS, US-AWACS orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Added - "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 flight - Loadouts    
    - Changed - RU SU-33 (Player Wingmen) - Loadouts    
    - Changed - RU-MIG-29S flight - Loadouts
    - Changed - US-FA-15 flight - Loadouts
    - Changed - US-FA-18 flight - Loadouts
- Briefing
    - Changed - To describe mission better.

- Scoring
    - Changed - Start + US F-15C DEAD + Tu-22 Bombed + Land (50 + 30 + 10 + 50)
- DCSW v1.5x Compatibility
    - Changed - RU Su-33 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Changed - All FIGHTER aircraft to: - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Changed - All runway strike aircraft: - Reaction to Threat = Passive defence, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Fixed - F-15c loadouts for Aim-120
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE (Carrier ops)

Mission - Su-33 - Heavy Sky - 19 (Arty Hunt).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice overs for Commander=Zira, UKR Mig-29S (125)=Hazel, UKR SU-33 (Backup) (106)=David
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Changed - All FIGHTER SWEEP aircrafts set to Fighter sweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added - RU-AWACS, US-AWACS orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Added - "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 flight - Loadouts    
    - Changed - UKR-MIG-29S flight - Loadouts

- Briefing
    - Changed - To describe mission better.

- Scoring
    - Changed - Start + G ARTY-01 DEAD + US F-16a DEAD + Land (50 + 30 + 10 + 50)
- DCSW v1.5x Compatibility
    - Changed - RU Su-33 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Passive defence, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - All FIGHTER aircraft to: - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Fixed - F-15c loadouts for Aim-120
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE (Carrier ops)

Mission - Su-33 - Heavy Sky - 20 (Helicopters Intercept).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice overs for Commander=Zira, All Mig-29=Hazel, RU SU-33 (Backup) (106)=David
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All CAS aircrafts set to cas -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Changed - All FIGHTER SWEEP aircrafts set to Fighter sweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added - RU-AWACS, US-AWACS orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Added - RU-IL-78M TANKER and orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Added - "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 (Player) flight - Loadouts and to CAS to shoot US Transport
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 (Backup) flight - Loadouts    
    - Changed - RU-MIG-29S flight - Loadouts
    - Added - RU IL-78 (Tanker) for mid-air refuelling.

- Briefing
    - Changed - To describe mission better.

- Scoring
    - Changed - Start + US CH-47 (Transport) + US FA-18c (Escort) + Land (50 + 30 + 10 + 50)
- DCSW v1.5x Compatibility
    - Changed - RU Su-33 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Changed - All FIGHTER aircraft to: - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Changed - All other Aircraft to: - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire.
    - Fixed - F-15c loadouts for Aim-120
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE (Carrier ops)

Mission - Su-33 - Heavy Sky - 21 (Night Fight).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice overs for Commander=Zira, All Mig-29=Hazel, RU SU-33 (Backup) (106)=David
    - Removed - "Begin assault zone" and all late activations on US F-16's
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All FIGHTER SWEEP aircrafts set to Fighter sweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added - RU-AWACS, US-AWACS orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Added - "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 (Player) flight - Loadouts    
    - Changed - RU-MIG-29S flight - Loadouts
    - (BUG) - AI Landing at Sochi-adler don't use full runway and does a u-turn mid way. - (BUG)

- Briefing
    - Changed - To describe mission better.

- Scoring
    - Changed - Start + US F-16a DEAD + Land (50 + 30 + 50)
- DCSW v1.5x Compatibility
    - Changed - RU Su-33 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Changed - All FIGHTER aircraft to: - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Changed - Time of Day to from 04:45 to 05:15 to match original missions lighting.
    - Fixed - F-15c loadouts for Aim-120
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE (BUG)(Night at 04:45) (Carrier ops)

Mission - Su-33 - Heavy Sky - 22 (Defeat of an attack).miz
- Triggers
    - Added Win and Loss messages.
    - Added Voice overs for Commander=Zira, All Mig-29=Hazel, RU SU-33 (Backup) (106)=David
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All FIGHTER SWEEP aircrafts set to Fighter sweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added - RU-AWACS, US-AWACS orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Added - RU-IL-78M TANKER and orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Added - "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 flight - Loadouts    
    - Changed - RU-MIG-29S flight - Loadouts
    - Added - RU IL-78 (Tanker) for mid-air refuelling.

- Briefing
    - Changed - To describe mission better.

- Scoring
    - Changed - Start + US A-10c DEAD + US FA-18c DEAD + Land (50 + 30 + 10 + 50)
- DCSW v1.5x Compatibility
    - Changed - RU Su-33 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Changed - All FIGHTER aircraft to: - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Changed - All RUNWAY ATTACK Flights to: - Reaction to Threat = Evade Fire, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - RU Kuznetsov carrier to weapons hold to stop firing off P-700 cruise missiles.
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE (Dawn at 06:00)(Carrier ops)

Mission - Su-33 - Heavy Sky - 23 (Attack to the aircraft carrier).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice overs for Commander=Zira, All Mig-29 and Su-27=Hazel, RU TU-22m3 (Bombers)=David
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All ANTI-SHIP aircrafts set to Anti-ship -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Changed - All FIGHTER SWEEP aircrafts set to Fighter sweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added - RU-AWACS, US-AWACS orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Added - RU-IL-78M TANKER and orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Added - "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 flight - Loadouts    
    - Changed - RU-MIG-29S flight - Loadouts
    - Added - RU IL-78 (Tanker) for mid-air refuelling.
    - (BUG) - AI Landing at Gelendzhik don't use full runway and does a u-turn mid way. - (BUG)
    - (BUG) - RU-Su-33 (Player) - not landing correctly all the time on carrier - (BUG)

- Briefing
    - Changed - To describe mission better.

- Scoring
    - Changed - Start + F-14a DEAD + US CVN Carl Vinson DEAD + Land (50 + 30 + 10 + 50)
- DCSW v1.5x Compatibility
    - Changed - RU Su-33 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Changed - All FIGHTER aircraft to: - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Changed - All ANTI-SHIP Flights to: - Reaction to Threat = Passive Defence, Restrict Jettison = ON
    - Changed - RU Kuznetsov carrier to shoot Cruise missiles in unison with bombers missiles so they over welm the US Carrier.
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE (BUG)(Carrier ops)(Destroyed the Carl Vinson)

Mission - Su-33 - Heavy Sky - 24 (The Hard Dusk).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice overs for Commander=Zira, All Mig-29 and Su-27=Hazel, RU SU-33 (Backup)=David
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All FIGHTER SWEEP aircrafts set to Fighter sweep -a -x and Engage in zones set.
    - Added - RU-AWACS, US-AWACS orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Added - RU-IL-78M TANKER and orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Added - "Switch waypoint" commands to make all attack aircraft loiter around Battle area until Loss or Win condition then disable via Flag 9999
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 flight - Loadouts    
    - Changed - RU-MIG-29S flight - Loadouts
    - Added - RU IL-78 (Tanker) for mid-air refuelling.

- Briefing
    - Changed - To describe mission better.

- Scoring
    - Changed - Start + US FA-18c DEAD + US F-15c (Colt) DEAD + US F-15c (Enfield) DEAD + Land (50 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 50)
- DCSW v1.5x Compatibility
    - Changed - RU Su-33 (Player) Flight - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Changed - All FIGHTER aircraft to: - Reaction to Threat = Evasive vertical Man.
    - Fixed - F-15c loadouts for Aim-120
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE (Carrier ops)

Mission - Su-33 - Heavy Sky - 25 (Return Home).miz
- Triggers
    - Added - Win and Loss messages.
    - Added - Voice overs for Commander=Zira, RU IL-78m (Tanker)=David
    - Added - Refueling logic to grade Ru Su-33 (Player) on connection time.
    - Moved - Player System Failure Zone
- Waypoints
    - Changed - All FIGHTER SWEEP aircrafts se t to Fighter sweep -a -x.
    - Added - RU-AWACS orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Added - RU-IL-78M TANKER and orbit commands to keep operational until mission end.
    - Fixed - Airport Coalitions
- Units
    - Changed - RU-SU-33 (Player) flight - To single aircraft for easier refuelling.
    - Added - RU IL-78 (Tanker) for mid-air refuelling.
- Briefing
    - Changed - To describe mission better.

- Scoring
    - Changed - Start + RU SU-33 (Player) Mid Air Refueled + Land (50 + 30 + 50)
- DCSW v1.5x Compatibility
    - Works Fine
------------------------ DONE (Night at 20:20, Foggy)(Carrier ops)
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 18.62 Mb
  • Downloaded: 2819
  • Comments: 5
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