Fictional F-5E RCAF 419 Sqn Skin by the 5EVC

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F-5E Tiger

Fictional F-5E RCAF 419 Sqn Skin by the 5EVC

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - Bunz_118
Date - 08/21/2016 05:36:50
Fictional F-5E RCAF 419 Sqn Skin

Fictional F-5E RCAF 419 Sqn Skin, JSGME ready. Based on a aggressor CF116 (CF5) aircraft from 419 Sqn (see pictures). Something to use before we get the real PSD template from Belsimtek.

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  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: Other
  • Size: 9.83 Mb
  • Downloaded: 952
  • Comments: 0
Tags: RCAF, Canada, F5, CF5, CF116, 419
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