Mirage 2000C (repaint "5-OP"), Desert Storm: Daguet Operation 1991 v.5

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Mirage 2000C (repaint "5-OP"), Desert Storm: Daguet Operation 1991 v.5

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - YoYo
Date - 02/15/2016 20:41:41
France's participation in Desert Storm was called "Operation Daguet (French for Brocket Deer). The French were responsible for the left flank as Coalition Forces worked their way into Kuwait to drive the Iraqi invaders out of the country. Along with Mirage 2000C France supplied transport aircraft refueling planes ground attack aircraft as well as Army and Navy personnel and other materiel. Even after Desert Storm ended France continued to participate in activities in the region. Readme file included. The repaint done by Rafal from www.yoyosims.pl. Tested in DCS 2.0.1 and 1.5.2.

Updates: v2.- added mipmaps for this repaint for better quality. Update from 27.02.16: v3.- fixed of default paintkit for M2000C of Matel2Mesh (Warning arrow, now lines are smooth), added more weathering and dirties effects. 18.11.2017 - update for v4, April 2018 update for DCS 2.5 + current Mirage version, v.5 - 18 May 2018 - missing Eclair pod texture + helmet RoughMet file. See readme for this effect.

"5-OP" (number 74) from the EC 2/5 "Ile de France" squadron was the only French Mirage 2000 to receive desert camouflage during Operation Desert Storm in 1991 "Daguet Operation".
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 25.4 Mb
  • Downloaded: 6990
  • Comments: 12