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DCS: World 2.5
Typ - Kampagne
Uploaded by - IdefixRC
Date - 05.07.2020 14:39:40
This pack is a mix out of the original KA-50 campaign pack and MadDog-IC's awesome work on converting this campaign to DCS 2.5 incl. English voice over.
When flying the campaign I found that the original files where very buggy and not every mission could be completed (some entirely impossible due to unit placement, missing triggers etc). The result is working a mix out of original and MadDog-IC's work. Took a long time but at the end I was able to complete all missions as intended.

All credit goes to ED and MadDog-IC
MadDog-IC original files are here:
  • Lizenz: Freeware - Kostenlose Version, Freie Weitergabe
  • Sprache: Alle Sprachen
  • Größe: 25.76 Mb
  • Downloaded: 503
  • Kommentare: 1
DCS: World 2.5
Ka-50 Black Shark Saitek X55 Profile
Uploaded by - IdefixRC
Date - 13.06.2020 05:10:01
ere is my shot at a Ka-50 Saitek X55 Profile.
This package is heavily based on the work done by Infernus  as well as additional input I took from Chuck's Ka-50 user guide , combined with some additional lua work from my side (e.g. brightness on rotary knows etc)

The package includes the Saitek X55 profile files, DCS Keyboard, Rudder, Stick, and Throttle mapping files and axis tune information. TrackIR Profile and modified joystick lua file to make additional rotary switches work.

Make sure to read the install.txt file and follow it closely.

This is still work in progress and any collaboration on this is highly welcome.
Feel free to add and modify but please post your modifications up here for others to use.

Version 1: Original profile - 13/06/2020

Latest versions and support will be posted here:
  • Lizenz: Freeware - Kostenlose Version, Freie Weitergabe
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Größe: 726.94 Kb
  • Downloaded: 466
  • Kommentare: 0
DCS: World 2.5
F-16C Viper
Uploaded by - IdefixRC
Date - 08.10.2019 03:43:47
Here is Version 3 of my F-16C Saitek X55 Profile. The package includes both the Saitek X55 profile files as well as the DCS Keyboard, Rudder, Stick and Throttle mapping files and a custom lua for the speed breaks (check install.txt). Make sure to upload the keyboard map as well as some of the functions used in the HOTAS programming required keyboard commands to work. This is still work in progress. Feel free to modify but please post your modifications up for others to use.

Latest versions will be posted here:
  • Lizenz: Freeware - Kostenlose Version, Freie Weitergabe
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Größe: 835.7 Kb
  • Downloaded: 1966
  • Kommentare: 1