Eccentric_xMD’s Mi-8TV2 Autostart

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DCS World 2.9

Eccentric_xMD’s Mi-8TV2 Autostart

Typ - Mod
Hochgeladen von - Eccentric_xMD
Datum - 27.08.2024 19:04:16
Map - Any map
Mi-8MTV2 Autostart file based on Havoc’s.
Immersive, easy to follow Startup procedure.  Logically presented.  Able to follow along.
Auto-Start file created from the included one and Havoc's. Takes 3m50sec.  Created Aug 2024.

Cold Auto-Start for the Mi-8MTV2

I strive to make a more immersive startup experience.  Things are logically broken down and presented on the screen so the pilot is able to follow along with the levers, gauges, and screens etc.  I try to coordinated what is happening on screen with things in aircraft and show why things are done the way they are (example how to start a turbine engine).  It is at least more interesting to me to watch than the stock autostart and over time may help you become more comfortable starting the aircraft yourself.  Hope you enjoy.

To install, copy the Macro_sequences.lua file to C:\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\Mods\aircraft\Mi-8MTV2\Cockpit\Scripts or place the folder into OVGME etc. Not for the saved games folder.

-Full Startup - Ready to fly and shoot
-Weapons Armed
-Radios set
-and more

revised 09032024 - temp fix to autopilot not turning on
  • Lizenz: Freeware - Kostenlose Version, Freie Weitergabe
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Größe: 7.24 Kb
  • Geladen: 76
  • Kommentare: 2