A-4E Strike on the Chemical Plant (CV59-2)

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A-4E Strike on the Chemical Plant (CV59-2)

Hochgeladen von - Manfred8081
Datum - 03.07.2024 18:44:37
Map - Caucasus
At the head of a valley, just outside of the Haiphong No Bomb Zone, sits the Long Bang chemical plant. At last we have got the okay to target it. To burn the whole place to the ground would surely ruin the enemy's day, and that is just what the USS Forrestal air group has been assigned to do.

This is a 16-plane strike. Three non-AI roles are available: Flakbuster or SAM Killer (air start), or Strike Bomber (cat launch).

Get in, get out, fly smart, and start some big fires.

See you back at the boat.

Mods required:
USS Forrestal, TeTeT's Vietnam War Vessels, 765vFG objects, Community A-4E
  • Lizenz: Freeware - Kostenlose Version, Freie Weitergabe
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Größe: 1.02 Mb
  • Geladen: 152
  • Kommentare: 1
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