Sinai "Tourist Map"

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Sinai "Tourist Map"

Hochgeladen von - CFrag
Datum - 12.06.2023 14:04:50
Map - Sinai
Version 3.00 -- 20240811

New Features:
- Added some 100 new attractions to tour director
- Enabled Dynamic Player Spawn on many airfields/Helicopter pads

The Sinai Map is chock full of beautiful sights (and sites) that I enjoy to explore at leisure. I have put together a map that maps out some of the many attractions that I found and want to see, and this map is exactly that: a map of tourist attractions, things that you, too, may want to see.

There's an interactive tour guide available that you can engage over Communications-->Other. The Tour Guide will

- list the five closest attractions to your current location (the labelled locations on the F-10 Map view)
- more importantly, guide you to the closest attraction by constantly giving you bearing, "clock directions" and distance.
- if you still can't find the attraction (some are difficult to find), the tour guide can even mark the location with blue smoke for you.

Use the tour guide to make sure that you don't miss any of the great attractions that the great people over at OnReTech have put into this map.

Remember that attractions that are listed on the map in "Quotes" are at this point in time the real-world location of important land marks that do not (yet) have a representation on this map - but may at a later date.

For those of you who aren't afraid to curtail this mission in Mission Editor:
- You can easily place and position your favorite aircraft on the map
- Put them close to an attractions if you don't like the pre-selected slots that I'm providing with this map.

Tour Guide won't mind, they work with any player aircraft at any location.

You can change also time of day to get some better impressions. Sun up is around 05:50, sundown around 17:50 (5:50pm)

Oh, and yes, there's civilian traffic on the Suez Canal, and in the air

Change Log
- Added some 100 new attractions to the tour director
- Enabled Dynamic Player Spawn (requires mission be run in multiplayer)

- Civilian air traffic added
- Tour Director (yeah!)

Sinai Tourist uses DML

If you find an interesting or beautiful detail in this map, please post its location and perhaps name/description in this thread:

and I will try to include it into the tourist map as soon as possible.

  • Lizenz: Freeware - Kostenlose Version, Weitergabe untersagt
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Größe: 2.08 Mb
  • Geladen: 943
  • Kommentare: 4
Tags: sinai
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