Fictional VA-93 Ravens A-7 Corsair II retro scheme for F/A-18A

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DCS World 2.7
F/A-18C Hornet

Fictional VA-93 Ravens A-7 Corsair II retro scheme for F/A-18A

Typ - Anstrich
Hochgeladen von - sgt_schultz2
Datum - 09.12.2020 04:26:55
F/A-18C skin in the old 1970s schemes as seen on old A-7E Corsair II.  This one is is for the disestablished VA-93 Ravens.

*** Updated 12/17/20 ***
*** Updated 1/30/21 ***
****Updated 6/16/23****  description .lua args change

Fixed helmet and visor textures, roughmet.  Fixed LUA description changes for BORT numbers.

**** 12/17/20 updated scheme colors and fixed paint errors ****
**** 1/30/21  Updated helmet textures, visor, roughmet ****
****6/16/23****  description .lua args change

I'm a sucker for old 1960s and 1970s US Navy paint schemes.  I changed the ARGs to use the old type helmet.  The helmet file is pretty bland and so is the fuel tank.

This is the VA-93 Ravens scheme from when they were on the Midway.  Sadly VA-93 was disestablished just before transitioning to the F/A-18A hornets.  This might be how they looked if I was in charge of painting aircraft in the Navy.

Unpack the rar file in your savedgames/DCS.openbeta/liveries/FA-18C_hornet/   folder.

If you already have the skin, the description LUA file is the only thing that changed.  You would have to replace the last part, the "custom_args =" part with

custom_args =
[509] = 1.0, --Helmet Change
[27] = 0, -- Tail      change of type of board number (0 = BORT numbers visible, 1 = BORT numbers not visible )
[1000] = 0, -- Flaps
[1001] = 0, -- Nose
[1002] = 1, -- Kuwait Squadron
[1003] = 1, -- Australian Squadron
[1004] = 1, -- Finland Squadron
[1005] = 1, -- Switzerland Squadron    
  • Lizenz: Freeware - Kostenlose Version, Weitergabe untersagt
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Größe: 36.67 Mb
  • Geladen: 222
  • Kommentare: 0
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