This is an update to my first F-14B skin, I cleaned it up a bit, changed the emblems and added in an Air Force number system, using NV for navy instead of AF for Air Force. Completely unrealistic like my skin, but I think it looks really good.
This will work with the F-14B. To fly with the skin, Unzip the folder into your
"Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\CoreMods\aircraft\F14\Liveries\f-14b"
Still having issues with the F-14B template so I ended up using Razgriz 016 Blaze created by Flogger23m as the Base again. Flogger23m has done some really awesome skins, I recommend checking them out.
Link to Flogger23m Razgriz 016 used as the base for this skin
I used Gimp, DXTBmp, Notepad++ to make this skin.
Hope you enjoy