Operation Sword - The First Day - Mission Two

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DCS: World 2.5
F/A-18C Hornet

Operation Sword - The First Day - Mission Two

Hochgeladen von - irishlad200000
Datum - 30.09.2020 11:10:31
This is the second mission in a series in which NATO has invaded Syria, after they have launched an offensive against Turkey.  You will lead a flight of two F/A 18C's on a SEAD mission deep into enemy territory.  From the beginning it is action packed with scripted events and voiceovers.  You will need to listen out as it may be a little more complicated than it initially looks!  Expect ground targets, air combat and enemy air defences.  You will use the F/A18C to its full capability.

Important Note #### Wait until the voiceovers are finished before taxiing on mission start ####

Enjoy and please leave comments!

Ground – The area surrounding Hama consists of desert flatland and isolated farms.  It is approximately 400 – 700 ASL.  You will have good cover on route from the Tammazan Mountains.

Situation – This is the first day of operations after the beach head was secured.  Resistance at the airbase was minimal last night, however, today may prove to be more testing.  The good news is that the Turkish and British have dug in and are holding steadily at the Turkish border.  It appears that our actions have prevented further incursions up there!  We can concentrate on slowly making our way to Damascus and hopefully topple the corrupt government.  Intelligence have warned us that an unknown number of armoured units have formed up to the West of Ein Elkorum.  We believe that they have their hands on ‘donated Russian T90’s!  If we do not strike this group. the likelihood of being overrun is high.  We have taken delivery of a full squadron of A10C’s, who have kindly left Cyprus to join our holiday here!  They will take the lead at demolishing the armoured group.

You have probably the most important task today!  You will strike a SAM Battery South West of Hama, who are in range to pick our guys off.  Intel did suggest it may be a SA10 group, hopefully not!  Regardless we need them disabled ASAP.  Although that will be your primary, listen out for any other tasks and the phrase for today will be, ‘Stay Fluid’!  The Sea, air and land will be like an ant’s nest, so ensure you know friendlies from enemies!

Mission –

1.    Listen to the full briefing after starting up.

2.    Proceed to the IP and engage the Sam Radar System.

3.    Listen out for further tasking if required.

4.    Return to base when ordered.

Execution –

1.    Chevy (You) will be the first to enter the AO and operate SEAD.

2.    Hogs will start up after you reach you IP and will commence an attack.

3.    British Armoured Battalion on currently crossing the mountains.

4.    Axeman (SF FAC) should be in position by the time the hogs reach the AO.

5.    All Callsigns must listen to further taskings if required.

Service and Support –

Bassel Al_Assad is the only refuel and re-supply point.  
Callsign Image AWACS is on station.

Raven 20 has a Rapier Battery on station SE of Bassel Al-Assad.
Delta 50 is currently on an OP overlooking the AO.

Hog Flight will be the main ground attack force.
Chevy (You) will be Sead (Wild Weasel).

Command and Signals –

Bassel Command will be the AO Commander
Bessel Control will be the Airbase Command
Axeman 251.000AM
Enemy Armour located N 35 22.5, E 36 22.6
Image 351.000AM

  • Lizenz: Freeware - Kostenlose Version, Freie Weitergabe
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Größe: 7.14 Mb
  • Geladen: 520
  • Kommentare: 2
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