DCS Controls Helper

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DCS Controls Helper

Typ - Tool
Hochgeladen von - bunnyhu
Datum - 13.08.2019 06:35:37
This project is made for process the DCS joystick / Keyboard binds. It can make a PDF from your controls, then you make kneeboard sheet with external program.

The Oracle remove one base library from the Java, this is why the jar does not start. The easiest way: please use old JRE, like JRE v9. Sorry for this, if I have time, I will try to found some better solution (like rewrite on other language than java).
You can download from here: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/javase9-archive-downloads.html

Project website: https://github.com/bunnyhu/dcs_controls_helper
Java application file: DcsControl.jar

This project is made for process the DCS joystick / Keyboard binds. Mostly used for my home made DIY controller box called DCS Buddy.

I am using a kneeboard sheet to remember the button functions, but sometimes I am redefined them inside DCS. It is painful to upd ate my page because so many functions and hard to remember or found what is changed.

The project able to read the exported DCS controls HTML file and connect them to PDF form text fields. You can use multiple controllers and separate the same commands like joystick buttons with prefix code.

For example my controller emulating a 27 button joystick with buttons JOY_BTN1..27 but my joystick also have JOY_BTN1..7. So I separate the joystick's buttons with SC_ prefix like SC_JOY_BTN1.

How to use it and more datailed information on the official website, please visit:

1.2.2 - DCS compatibility update
1.2 - Add Modes virtual field, png saving, some improvement
1.1.1 - Add readme.txt
1.0 - First release
  • Lizenz: Freeware - Kostenlose Version, Lizenzdatei inkludiert
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Größe: 6.77 Mb
  • Geladen: 1574
  • Kommentare: 10
Tags: kneeboard