Profile Thrustmaster Hotas Warthog for KA-50

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Profile Thrustmaster Hotas Warthog for KA-50

Hochgeladen von - Papa_Saubär
Datum - 28.02.2019 09:06:56
Control Profile Thurstmaster Hotas Warthog for Ka-50

Settings profile for the Ka-50

Word template from sinandgrin

I have some time to fly with the Ka-50, but i believe this settings should be good for the beginners<br />
Suggestions are welcome.

2019-02-28: Version 1.0
Initial release
  • Lizenz: Freeware - Kostenlose Version, Freie Weitergabe
  • Sprache: Deutsch
  • Größe: 2.02 Mb
  • Geladen: 1912
  • Kommentare: 0