DCS A10C Logitech X56 3 Modes Profile UPDATED 28JAN2019

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A-10C Warthog

DCS A10C Logitech X56 3 Modes Profile UPDATED 28JAN2019

Hochgeladen von - Tango55
Datum - 18.01.2019 05:00:06
A three mode profile gives Ground, Nav, and Combat modes,
File contains complete profiles and keybinds
Stick and throttle PDF for printout
Premade Logitech/saitek X-56 pr0 file

html files produced in DCS  for all keybinds

Great for use with rudder pedals(auto start and stop are set to the first and last 3% of the stick twist on ground mode only).  all HOTAS commands are bound to areas that make sense for this stick. rotary's are turned into boat and pinkie switches. to punch out just hit TGL4 in any direction. I've tested this layout over and over and over, make sure you open the PDF files for complete explanations of the bindings rotary one is bound to Auto-Pilot, both mode select and Activate/Deactivate.<br /><br />

stick thumbstick is slew for easy targeting
throttle thumbstick is mic switch set to last 10% of each direction.

SLD has been programmed on a 3 second timer to fully deploy and fully retract the speed breaks depending on the position.

some switches not used for convenient binding of other tools you may like

MODE switches between certain binds great for ground use
such as
engine startup/shutdown procedures
Weapon Release /  re-arm/refuel
stage one trigger/ nose wheel steering

buttons that need to be entered in control settings

on stick
DMS- easy mode so short and long work
TMS - easy mode so short and long work
thumb stick axis for  slew

on throttle
Rotary 2 axis for zoom (this is the lower thumb rotary).
Rotary 1 axis slit to bands (altitude path heading) rotary 1 button is AP/toggle

comment me with questions i will answer asap


File:  A10-C
Location: C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Config\Input

File: DCS-A10C-3MODE.pr0
Location: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Logitech\X56

After your files have been placed/overwritten restart your game and ta-da your golden!
  • Lizenz: Freeware - Kostenlose Version, Freie Weitergabe
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Größe: 634.46 Kb
  • Geladen: 6125
  • Kommentare: 26
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