Trnyauz Massacre

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DCS: World 2.5
A-10C Warthog

Trnyauz Massacre

Hochgeladen von - irishlad200000
Datum - 25.11.2018 20:34:49
Talks between Russia and Georgia have broken down.  NATO is now involved and wants to prevent another incident like Crimea. British Royal Armoured Corp 1st Battalion are the closest NATO asset stationed at Mestia on the Russian border.  Intelligence has confirmed that an advanced Russian armoured and infantry battalion (4th Guards Tank Regiment and 881st Air Assault Infantry) are forming up around the village of Trnyauz.  You are to command the British asset from the air.  This is the first time that NATO is going to order a pre-emptive strike on Russian soil.  We must prevent them at all costs entering Georgia and gaining a foothold.  NATO command has ordered the attack to commence at 06:30hrs on 15th July 2019.  US and European assets are being dispatched, however you must be self-sufficient for now.<br />

You have the full 1BN RAC (Challenger 2), 101 RRA 1 Platoon (MLRS) and 16 RRA 1 Platoon (Rapier) at your disposal.  We don’t expect much by way of Russian air support as they are aware we have rapier deployed.<br />
<br />
You will have the choice of the following aircraft to coordinate and provide support:<br />
1.A10C<br />
2.FA18C<br />
3.AV-88 N/A<br />
<br />
Eliminate all hostile forces!  Re-arm if necessary<br />
  • Lizenz: Freeware - Kostenlose Version, Freie Weitergabe
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Größe: 11.09 Mb
  • Geladen: 679
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