NTTR Vegas Assault/SEAD (AV8, F18, A10) (Mission 3)

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AV-8B Night Attack V/STOL

NTTR Vegas Assault/SEAD (AV8, F18, A10) (Mission 3)

Hochgeladen von - moespeeds
Datum - 19.10.2018 03:09:28
This is the 3rd mission in the series. It's primarily an AV8 mission, but includes slots for F18s for CAP and A10s for CAS. Supports 1-8 players. <br />
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AV8s conduct SEAD for an A10 CAS package attacking armor in downtown Las Vegas. F18s provide CAP.<br />
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If you are looking for a dedicated and seriously fun AV8 squadron, check out

Thanks to the tireless efforts of VMA 231 we have secured the city of Boulder, and now Henderson Field. The next phase is to push North into Las Vegas. The city is heavily defended by Insurgent Armor and Anti Air units. 3 flights of A10s (ANTAR 1-3) are tasked with destroying armor positions North and South of the city. Before they can strike, the SAM threat in central Las Vegas needs to be eliminated. The city is covered by an SA6 battery to the Northeast at Nellis, and several SA8 units North of the city. SHANK flight is tasked with eliminating these threats, then conducting reactive SEAD over downtown Las Vegas. Once the anti air threat has been sufficiently softened up, ANTAR flight can be called in to destroy the armor positions. <br />
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MISSION NOTES: If Bullet CAP Flight is occupied, COLT & DODGE AI CAP flights will not launch. If they are already airborne, they will go Weapons Hold and move South out of the AO as long as a human pilot occupies a BULLET F18. There is also an F10 option to launch additional enemy fighters once the initial enemy CAP flights are destroyed.<br />
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No Mods are required<br />
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If you are looking for a dedicated and seriously fun AV8 squadron, check out<br />
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If you are willing to put in the time, we will train you to fly the Harrier!<br />
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Mission 1: <a class="txttohtmllink" href=""></a><br />
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Mission 2: <a class="txttohtmllink" href=""></a>
  • Lizenz: Freeware - Kostenlose Version, Freie Weitergabe
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Größe: 1.1 Mb
  • Geladen: 458
  • Kommentare: 0