DCS: F-86F "佩刀"

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北美F-86F "佩刀" 是1950年代中期最得力的战斗机。这种后掠翼单发喷气机是西方在朝鲜战争中最重要的飞机,它经常与俄制MiG-15纠缠。这场艰苦的战斗不仅存在于朝鲜的天空,也是两个优秀的东方和西方的飞机制造商之间的战斗。除了其主要作用作为空中战斗机,佩刀也会携带炸弹和空对地火箭来攻击地面目标。

Belsimtek的"佩刀"是目前为止这架战鹰最真实的模拟飞行游戏。感受驾驶"佩刀" - 专业水平的飞行模型、交互式的驾驶舱、功能齐全的武器、详细的损伤模型和丰富的细节。体验"佩刀"在战斗种的优势和劣势,找出老练的战斗机飞行员经常回味"佩刀"作为他们最享受的飞机的原因。

作为DCS世界的一部分, F-86F佩刀完全体现了作战环境,武器系统和空地的作战能力。

发行: 2016-04-01


Stalling in level flight occurs without warning shaking (typical for the unslatted F-86) to any side with a nosing down of the aircraft. Simultaneously, roll reversal manifests itself to the control stick input. The sign of upcoming stall may be developing includes vibrations, banking while holding the aircraft horizontally, and speed drop.

During landing, it is necessary to observe the recommended speed to prevent stalling speed in various configurations.

Stalling in level flight occurs at lower speeds based on configuration. This owes to the fact that in the flight at positive angles of attack there is a vertical component of the engine thrust decreasing value of the required lift and, consequently, value of the required angle of attack.

The presence of external loads increases the stalling speed approximately by 10 knots.

At vigorous pull-up command (due to the high controllability in pitch) can induce departure mode without the warning shaking with abrupt wing drop.


Recovery from a Stall

Recovery from a stall is performed by a slight pushover and increase of RPM.


An aircraft enters a spin in any configuration and in all the flight speed range up to the Mach number of 0.9. In any case, the spin is the result of stall at excessing available g forces during maneuvering or at the drop of speed lower than the allowable one for the current weight and flight configuration of the aircraft.

With the correct spin recovery technique taken into account and available altitude, aircraft recovery is possible from any kind of spin.

Upon entering a spin, the aircraft nose goes below the horizon to the angle of 50-75 degrees with a slow rotation. When the rotation rate increases, the aircraft nose goes up almost to the horizon. The first spin turn occurs approximately in 5-8 sec. with the altitude loss of 500-600 feet. During the next turn, the rotation rate increases with the diminution of amplitude of nosing up to the horizon and an increase of the climb angle to the vertical one.

At the same time, with each next turn the altitude loss increases and may reach 2.000 feet per turn.

Typically, the aircraft falls into a right-hand spin.

A spin with increased engine thrust is characterized by smaller climb angles and higher rotation rate.

A spin with minimal thrust or without power is characterized by a steeper (up to 90 degrees in the process of development) trajectory.

The spin quality does not change with the speedbrakes deployed.

In landing configuration, the spin peculiarity is smaller altitude loss at first turns.

With external fuel tanks, a change of spin direction may occur both upon entering the spin and after several turns.

Spin recovery

Spin recovery occurs when the controls are set to their neutral position. As a rule, simultaneously, the aircraft recovers from the spin on its own with some delay.

For a controlled spin recovery, it is recommended:

  • Set the throttle to idle to decrease the altitude loss;
  • Set rudder (pedal) against the rotation;
  • Set the control stick into the neutral position;

If an aircraft carrying external loads has entered a spin and it is impossible to recover from the spin in the course of one or one and a half turns, then it is recommended to jettison all external loads and recover the aircraft from the spin according to the normal procedure.

Forbidden Maneuvers

It is forbidden to execute the following maneuvers:

  • Snap-rolls and other aggressive maneuvers (pitch oscillation, pitch departure and AOA overshoot can occur);
  • Inverted flight or any other maneuver with negative g for more than 10 seconds because continuous engine fuel feed is not provided;
  • Continuous rotation about the roll axis with certain variants of external loads.