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DCS: World
A-10C II
类型 - 联机任务
Uploaded by - DragonShadow
日期 - 2022-08-05 15:27:59
Blindsided : 5th revision by Aviancer (DragonShadow)

"Scramble! and defend Batumi airdrome against a surprise attack by well armed insurgents. Then take the battle to them."

Co-operative mission supporting upto 46 player slots (2-6 players recommended default, 3-12 on difficult). Now fully voice acted!

CAS (Air to ground) - 2x A-10C (Old), 3x A-10C II, 3x AH-64D, 2x AV-8B, 3x F-16, 3x F/A-18, 2x JF-17, 3x KA-50, 3x Mi-24P, 3x Su-25T
CAP (Air to air) - 2x F-14B, 2x F-15C, 3x F-16, 3x F-18, 3x MiG-29, 2x M2000C
CSAR (Search and rescue) - 2x Mi-8MTV, 2x UH-1H
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 包含许可文件
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 5.78 Mb
  • 下载数: 536
  • 评论: 1
DCS: World
A-10C II
类型 - 联机任务
Uploaded by - DragonShadow
日期 - 2021-10-07 19:11:34
Co-operative mission featuring 4x A-10CII slots, 4x F/A-18 slots, 4x Su-25T slots, 2x MiG-21 slots, 2x A-10C (original) slots.
Likely runtime:  Default difficulty: 1-2 hours / Hard difficulty: 2 hours.

Recommended force:
Default: 1-2x A-10CII, 1-2x F/A-18C (2-4 total)
Hard mode: 2-4x A-10CII, 2x F/A-18C (4-6 total)

Fly your way down a valley dodging AAA fire, catch the SA-6 SAM unawares and destroy the enemy tanks before they reach friendly forces while your fighter escort deals with the enemy fighters. Featuring two difficulty modes.
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 3.1 Mb
  • 下载数: 793
  • 评论: 0
DCS: World
类型 - 联机任务
Uploaded by - DragonShadow
日期 - 2017-01-15 14:50:32
Blindsided : 4th revision by DragonShadow.

Co-operative mission supporting upto 19 players (2-6 recommended default, 3-12 on difficult).
Flyable aircraft: 3xKa-50, 4xA-10C, 3xSU-25T, 2xSU-25A, 3xSU-27, 2xUH-1H, 2xMi-8
Limited munitions (Warehouse).

Featuring optional CAS, CAP, CSAR operations.

"Scramble! and defend Batumi airdrome against a surprise attack by well armed insurgents. Then take the battle to them."
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 包含许可文件
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 760.54 Kb
  • 下载数: 1467
  • 评论: 0
DCS: World
类型 - 联机任务
Uploaded by - DragonShadow
日期 - 2013-11-23 14:40:16
Two-Pin Hedgehog (v1.1.1)
Co-operative mission supporting upto:
2xGround, 2+2(Hot)x A-10C, 2+2(Hot)xKA-50, 4xSU-25T, 2+1(Hot) UH-1H, 2+1(Hot) Mi-8MTV2
(Recommended 2-6 players: GC + CAS)
(Higher difficulty, 4-10 players: GC + CAS)
- by DragonShadow

First we must stop the enemy advancing on the town of Inozemtsevo and our airfield. The situation out there may call for some unconventional tactics. Then we will strike back and silence the SAM site threatening our air forces at Podkumok. Remember, to succeed we must co-operate and depend on friendly forces to take out the threats greatest to us. Finally, to be victorious our ground forces will occupy the armor base of Mirmyy. Good luck!

Aimed at:
Players comfortable with the Ground Commander, KA-50, A-10C, SU-25T, UH-1H or Mi-8MTV2 in combat or CSAR tasks and start up. Moderate difficulty level.
If you want more challenge or to scale up for more players, simply run the higher difficulty version!
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 包含许可文件
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 2.46 Mb
  • 下载数: 2270
  • 评论: 9
DCS: World
类型 - 联机任务
Uploaded by - DragonShadow
日期 - 2013-03-19 12:41:26
Blindsided : 3rd revision
By DragonShadow

Co-operative mission supporting upto 12 players (2-3 recommended default, 3-8 on difficult).
Flyable aircraft: 3xKa-50, 3xA-10C, 3xSU-25T, 3xSU-27
Limited munitions (Warehouse)

"Scramble! and defend Batumi airdrome against a surprise attack by well armed insurgents. Then take the battle to them."

A three phased mission with varying types of tasks, plenty of detail and scripted events. Figure out the best way to use your finite but flexible resources to tackle the insurgent threat, co-operate with your forces in the air as well as on the ground to turn the battle around. Mission difficulty can be scaled depending on number of players or the challenge you wish to meet. Whether you want to devastate enemy convoys or get into a tight dogfight, you will not meet a passive enemy here.

Official forum thread:
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 包含许可文件
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 729.22 Kb
  • 下载数: 2257
  • 评论: 0
DCS: World
类型 - 联机任务
Uploaded by - DragonShadow
日期 - 2012-09-11 09:17:19
Blindsided : 2nd revision
By DragonShadow

Co-operative mission supporting upto 9 players (2-3 recommended default, 3-6 on difficult).
Flyable aircraft: 3xKa-50, 3xA-10C, 3xSU-25T
Limited munitions, aircraft (Warehouse)

"Scramble! and defend Batumi airdrome against a sneak attack by well armed insurgents. Then take the battle to them."

A three phased mission with varying types of tasks, plenty of detail and scripted events. Figure out the best way to use your finite but flexible resources to tackle the insurgent threat, co-operate with your team and the forces on the ground to turn the battle around. Mission difficulty can be scaled depending on number of players or the challenge you wish to meet. You will not meet a passive enemy here.

Official forum thread:
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 包含许可文件
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 671.81 Kb
  • 下载数: 1849
  • 评论: 3
DCS: World
类型 - 联机任务
Uploaded by - DragonShadow
日期 - 2012-05-12 05:48:10
Blindsided - by DragonShadow

OLD VERSION, revised version can be found here:

Co-operative mission supporting upto 4 players (2 recommended).
Available aircraft: 2xKa-50, 2xA-10C.

Scramble! and defend Batumi airdrome against a sneak attack by well armed insurgents. Then take the battle to them.

Revision 1 with extended gameplay and fixes.

* Co-op and single player (Multiplayer server with 1 client) support. Note: Difficulty higher for single player.
* Plenty of scripted events with radio traffic (text with audible notifier) and miscallaneous detailing.
* Some more aggressive, scripted AI behaviour.
* On the move troop deployments.
* JTAC available (but not necessary) for final operations.
* Be a part of a team where your actions truly matter to the outcome of the mission.

Official forum thread (old versions):
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 包含许可文件
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 617.25 Kb
  • 下载数: 1117
  • 评论: 1
DCS: World
类型 - 联机任务
Uploaded by - DragonShadow
日期 - 2012-05-07 13:56:20
Blindsided - by DragonShadow

OLD VERSION, revised version can be found here:

Co-operative mission supporting upto 4 players (2 recommended).
Available aircraft: 2xKa-50, 2xA-10C.

Scramble and defend Batumi airdrome against a sneak attack by well armed insurgents! Then take the battle to them.

* Co-op and single player (Multiplayer server with 1 client) support. Note: Difficulty higher for single player.
* Plenty of scripted events with radio traffic (text with audible notifier) and miscallaneous detailing.
* Some more aggressive, scripted AI behaviour.
* On the move troop deployments.
* JTAC available (but not necessary) for final operations.

Official forum thread for original version:
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 包含许可文件
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 483.38 Kb
  • 下载数: 1025
  • 评论: 0