Su-25t manual condensed from the original Lockon FC 2 manual.

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Su-25t manual condensed from the original Lockon FC 2 manual.

类型 - 文档
上传者 - Snacko
日期 - 2013-12-06 20:32:32
This is a 'summary' version of the Flaming Cliffs v2 aircraft manual containing ONLY the Commands, Tactics, and Procedures to fly the Su-25T.

Instead of having to look all over ALL the different sections for ALL the different aircraft, to find information relevant to the Su-25t, I made a summary manual for just this plane. It has separate sections for Takeoff, Landing, and all the different deployment methods for the huge arsenal this ground-pounder can carry. ALSO, I made sure all of the correct key commands are in each section and each procedure is broken into it's separate list of steps.

This aircraft offers a lot and has a fairly steep learning curve to become efficient with all that it can do. This custom manual should help.

All instructions list all of the required keycommands in each section:
- Takeoff and Landing procedures
- Autopilot modes
- Operation modes
- All Weapons Delivery procedures
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 2.84 Mb
  • 下载数: 4568
  • 评论: 3
标签: Su-25, 25T, manual