Operation Piercing Fury - 01:Welcome to Suse

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DCS: World

Operation Piercing Fury - 01:Welcome to Suse

类型 - 联机任务
上传者 - Ranger79
日期 - 2013-09-29 17:00:48
Mission One: "Welcome to Suse"   (Version for 1.2.6)(Version 3b, updated on 11/18/13)
Over 75+ Voices Overs in Mission One
ED Forum Thread on Mission: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=113333
(1) Provide CAS and CASEVAC support for Ground Forces in the region.
(2) Complete tasks as directed by the Operational Commander in the region (Whiplash-1).
“Hawg” Flight – A-10C
4 slots, 1 minimum,

“Reaper” Flight – KA-50
4 slots, 0 minimum

“Hellraiser” Flight – UH1H
3 slots, 1 minimum

Full Brief: http://www.mediafire.com/view/b3l33tl8j8k5sz4/01_-_Welcome_to_Suse_Brief.pdf

Operations Order for Tango-6: http://www.mediafire.com/view/8xy8utu9azyf5n6/Op_Order_for_Tango-6.pdf

Rebel and terrorist forces have occupied key cities within the Country of Georgia. Al-Qaida, Hezbollah, Chechen Muslim insurgents, and other key terrorist organizations have flocked to the region to regroup, retrain, and strategize to take over Europe and spread their Islamic ideals to the world. A small United Nations peacekeeping forces was ordered into the country under Resolution 435.1 to establish a Secure Zone and No-Fly Zone in the southern and central region of Georgia. The UN forces under strict rules of engagement were quickly overtaken by the rebel and terrorist forces in the region, and were forced to retreat. Coalition Forces led by the United States are tasked in bringing order back to the region, eliminate the terrorist nexus, and Capture or Kill High Value Targets / War Criminals who have engulfed the region. Enemy resistance has been very strong, and Intelligence Reports suggest many of the rebel and terrorist groups are receiving financial and supply assistance from Iran, Syria, IIPB, and possibly senior members in the Royal Saudi Family.

=This is a intensive CAS type campaign, be prepared to get low and dirty!
=Instructions, taskings, and SITREP will be given when airborne. Heavily scripted, follower orders and you will be good to go.
=The campaign will have a heavy emphasis on CAS, anti-insurgency ops, ground force support, FOB protection, counterintelligence, detainee operations, CASEVAC , and Quick Reaction Force tactics.
=The A-10C, Apache, and Huey (possibly the SU-25T) airframes will be used in the campaign.
=The Anti-Air threat is extremely low to non-existent in the region Mission 1 & 2.
=This campaign will be 4-6 missions long depending on assistance with voice overs and timeframe.
=Pay attention to tasking from Whiplash-1, and obey his orders!
=Ensure your in-game Audio Option of “Helmet” is maxed in order hear voice overs in game.
=Keep your head on a swivel and be versatile.
=Mission made using DCS World version 1.2.6
=50% of the events in the campaign are based off of real events which occurred to my squad, Squadron(s), and MP Battalion(s) while deployed in OEF and OIF.
=Motivation for this campaign is to give the virtual pilots some realistic scenarios based on events in country, but at the same time having fun. If you enjoy the campaign and have the means to help please donate to the Wounded Warriors Project.
=Above all else have fun, use teamwork, and enjoy!
=Hawg, Reaper, and Hellraiser Flights will depart Kutaisi AB enroute to the FOB Suse AO.
=The trigger zone for FOB Suse encompasses all of FOB Suse and about 50-100 meters past the perimeter.
=Instructions and SITREP will be given when airborne.
=Ensure each flight flies over FOB Suse to ensure the trigger activates.
=If instructed to drop off causalities at FOB Suse, land anywhere inside FOB Suse to activate the trigger and complete the task.
=The Anti-Air threat is extremely low to non-existent in the region at this time.
=Pay attention to tasking from Whiplash-1, and obey his orders!
=Ensure your in-game Audio Option of “Helmet” is maxed in order to hear voice overs in game.
=There must be at least one A-10C and one Huey in play/use in order to complete the mission.
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 6.82 Mb
  • 下载数: 16499
  • 评论: 6
标签: OPF