This is Part 1 of a 3-part "Al Taqqadum Through the Ages" series || Full mission walkthrough at ZZ ||
In 1941 a small flying school at RAF Habbaniya - modern day Al Taqqadum Air Base - found itself at the centre of control for the Middle East. Besieged by Iraqi Nationalist Forces, who were supplied and equipped by Nazi Germany, this handful of RAF officers and students, as well as their ground crews, fought off ground offenses literally just yards from their camp, aerial bombardment, and strafed enemy positions and airfield. In reality, the students flew out-dated biplanes against modern forces. For this mission, you'll be lucky enough to have a Spitfire.
You'll fly as one of the junior students in the middle of the conflict. Germans are resupplying Iraqi positions near Fallujah by train. You'll be tasked with its interdiction. You and your Flight Leader will disable the train, fight off bandits, and defend RAF Habbaniya.
This is a single-player mission. Flying as a junior student under the command of an experienced flight leader, you'll select "11-First_Spawn" on your initial spawn and enter the mission overhead modern-day Fallujah. The target, an Iraq/German resupply train, will be on your nose. You'll fly off the right wing of your flight leader who will line you up for your first pass.
To complete this stage of the mission, you'll need to defeat the train and any bandits.
Following this, you can either choose to navigate your way home to Habbaniya, or you'll Select Role as "22-Second_Spawn" and respawn on your RTB leg. You'll arrive while the airbase is under attack, and you'll be tasked to use your remaining fuel and ammunition to defeat the second wave of JU-88 bombers.
To complete this stage of the mission, you'll need to force the lead group of bombers to RTB which will happen after two of them are shot down.