F-4E Phantom II - TapePlayer Cassette Label Mods

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F-4E Phantom II - TapePlayer Cassette Label Mods

类型 - 插件
上传者 - Snacko
日期 - 2024-09-03 19:18:53
This mod changes the Labels on the F-4E TapePlayer Cassette Tapes.
You can read about the F-4E TapePlayer here: https://f4.manuals.heatblur.se/dcs/tape_player.html

It includes a custom label for the Video Tape.
And 3 different Labels for the Music Tape.

These mods were made using Open Mod Manager, and include Thumbnails & Descriptions for it's Mod Info panel.

F-4E TapePlayer Label Mods:

This Mod contains 3 different Mods, each in it's own .zip file.
This download contains 3 mods.  The 3 .zip files inside the download are compatible with Open Mod Manager, and OvGME.
Just copy the 3 .zip files into your DCS Mod folder, and they should appear in your Mod Manager for you to install.

1) Pick which of the Label Mods that you want to install.
2) First backup your Misc.zip file. (\Mods\aircraft\F-4E\Textures\Cockpit\Misc.zip)
3) You can then Open the mod's .zip file, and drill down to the 'Mods' folder, and drag & drop the 'Mods' folder into the root of your DCS Install folder.
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 50.11 Mb
  • 下载数: 133
  • 评论: 3