A Fusion of Popular JF-17 Cockpit Mods - Grey

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A Fusion of Popular JF-17 Cockpit Mods - Grey

类型 - 涂装
上传者 - justausernametest
日期 - 2023-06-27 18:25:19
Removed the static baked-in reflection on the HUD, three MFCDs and two instrument gauges.
Changed the MFCD background to a darker black.
Replaced the cockpit panel color from the stock light-grey to a darker grey.
Replace the color of the insulation mats above the side panels to green.
Reduced the glowing effect of the warning panel lights.

To install: download the .7z and put the "Grey cockpit" folder under [YOUR USERPROFILE]\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Liveries\JF-17-CPT . Create the folder(s) if they aren't already there. Then in DCS under options - special - jf-17, change cockpit in the drop down menu.

I am not the creator of any of the texture files or .lua scripts. All credits go to the original authors of the following three mods:
-- Grey JF-17 cockpit by -IRRE-Storfyr
-- JF-17 The cockpit of a real plane by Olsiv
-- JF-17 No Baked Reflection in HUD Glass by Japo32

I really like what each of the original mod brings but they are mutually exclusive due to the nature of how DCS handles texture mods. Therefore I have combined the features of all three of them through some simple code-modification and file replacements.
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 任何语言
  • 大小: 33.4 Mb
  • 下载数: 330
  • 评论: 3
标签: Texture, JF-17
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