F-15C "Gulf Spirit" 33rd TFW Eglin AFB Desert Storm 1991

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F-15C "Gulf Spirit" 33rd TFW Eglin AFB Desert Storm 1991

类型 - 涂装
上传者 - lee1hy
日期 - 2023-06-17 22:45:06

F-15C before it is retired,  F-15C Liveries WILL continue
Includes USAF LOW-VIS A2A skins

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The F-15 was the first dedicated USAF air superiority fighter since the F-86 Sabre. During Desert Storm F-15C Eagle 85-0102 scored three victories. First on January 29, 1991 Captain David Rose of the 33rd FW downed a MiG-23. The second and third victories came on February 7, 1991 when Captain Anthony Murphy of the 36th FW shot down two Su-22’s. F-15C 85-0102 was assigned to Colonel Rick Parsons Commander of the 33rd TFW and bears his name but his victory over an Su-7 came in another F-15C 84-0124. Three Iraqi flags represent Rose and Murphy’s kills and the star is Colonel Parsons’.
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  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 198.5 Mb
  • 下载数: 933
  • 评论: 7