Soviet Center for Combat Employment 1521 “Mary” (Мары) MiG-29A Bords 01 and 08

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Soviet Center for Combat Employment 1521 “Mary” (Мары) MiG-29A Bords 01 and 08

类型 - 涂装
上传者 - 2IAECrashBG
日期 - 2023-05-03 07:39:31
Soviet Center for Combat Employment 1521 “Mary” (Мары) MiG-29A Bords 01 and 08

Soviet Center for Combat Employment 1521 “Mary” (Мары) MiG-29A Bords 01 and 08

Historic liveries based on available photos of Mary MiG-29A aircraft numbers 01 and 08.
This aircraft, bearing the serial number 2960518475 was manufactured in 1986. It served with the 91 IAPat Lipeck-2. From November, 1990, the bird flew with the 2 Flight, 115 GvIAP (Guards Fighter Unit) based at Kakaydy (in today’s Uzbekistan). This unit stationed at this base flew in the days of the Soviet Union on a list of fighter types, including the MiG-17, -19, -21 and -29. During Soviet involvement in Afghanistan, Kakaydy was a key airfield in central Asia, and MiG-29s appeared here for the first time in 1989. In July, 1991,  this machine was transferred to the base Mary-1, which is located in today’s Turkmenistan, and was pressed into service with the 2nd Flight 1521st AB (Aviabaza - ‘Air Base’). These MiG-29A of the initial production phase were tasked with playing the aggressor role, and that explains the white cockpit framing. Influenced by combat ops with adversary elements and VF-178 Skyraiders flying off of the USS Intrepid, the aircraft was adorned with a sharkmouth, a hornet on the vertical tail, and the letters ‘AM’ on the fin top. The letters ‘AM’ denoted the home field of the unit (in Russian, ‘Aviabaza Mary’)

In order to install, simply drop both folders into:
DCS World OpenBeta\Bazar\Liveries\mig-29a
Saved Games\DCS World OpenBeta\Liveries\mig-29a

Big thanks to everyone at my squadron =2IAE=  and the Livery Art Group, without whom this wouldn't  be possible.

Due to the file size, please check the attached link for the skin files.

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  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 不允许分发
  • 语言: 任何语言
  • 大小: 643 字节
  • 下载数: 521
  • 评论: 4
标签: mig-29