Ace Combat - ISAF 93rd Tactical Fighter Squadron

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Ace Combat - ISAF 93rd Tactical Fighter Squadron

类型 - 涂装
上传者 - AWACS_Bandog
日期 - 2022-10-24 05:50:40
Ace Combat inspired skin for the Su-24 Fencer

Within the opening hours of the Continental war, the 93rd Tactical Fighter Squadron had went from a rear line unit relegated to airshows and the budgetary chopping block, to the primary unit in stalling the Eruseans advance into Bulgurderest.

Using their Su-24 'Fencers', the Checkmates had the mission of destroying major points of infrastructure into their own country. Often Bridges or critical rail depots, The crews were able to effectively stall the enemy's advance, at the cost of trapping thousands of their comrades and civilians behind enemy lines. The toll of this task proved to be too much for some of the pilots who survived the first few days.

However, the Checkmates would not turn their back on their homeland forever. Being principal to the "Southern Sweep", the Checkmates would go on to conduct deep strikes within occupied territory, and even take part in the Attack on Farbanti.

By the end of the war, the Checkmates flew 8100 combat hours, and 2300 Sorties.

To install, make a file titled "Su-24M" in your regular liveries folder in the saved games folder of DCS.

This is not intended as a replica of an Ace Combat squadron within the lore.

Pack comes with two skins

* Operational pattern

* "Farbanti Express" Ace Skin

Pilots wear custom Patches.

Credit to Stargazer for his Victory markings

Please contact me on Discord at AWACS_BANDOG#7420 for any questions or bug-reports, thanks!

I really wanted this to be an F-111 Aardvark, but the fencer is fine too.
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 61.88 Mb
  • 下载数: 146
  • 评论: 0