Mirage F1CR, Airborne Tactical Advantage Company (ATAC), 2022 V1.2

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Mirage F1

Mirage F1CR, Airborne Tactical Advantage Company (ATAC), 2022 V1.2

类型 - 涂装
上传者 - spitfire_raf
日期 - 2022-08-23 18:25:03
These liveries aim at representing 2 Mirage F1CR operated by ATAC in 2022. For use with Aerges Mirage F1 EE.

The pack contains the following airframes :

Mirage F1CR registration : N609AX, 2022
Mirage F1CR registration : N613AX, 2022

The skins also come with the following features :
- custom roughmets with corrected flat aluminium underbelly and pylons
- custom normal map for an accurate representation of the Mirage F1CR
- custom argument for a more accurate representation of the Mirage F1CR
- custom fuel tanks, landing gear, gear doors, ECM pods and pylons
- reworked engine nozzles


V1.0: initial release
V1.1: corrected arguments and camouflage after a recent update broke it
V1.2: corrected fuel probe for compatibility with 2.8.2

Simply paste the 2 files in: \DCS World OpenBeta\CoreMods\aircraft\Mirage-F1\Liveries\Mirage-F1CE
C:\Users\$YourUserName\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Liveries\Mirage-F1CE\$FoldersFromArchive

Enjoy !
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 不允许分发
  • 语言: 任何语言
  • 大小: 271.99 Mb
  • 下载数: 434
  • 评论: 4