F-16 Display Readability

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DCS: World 2.5

F-16 Display Readability

类型 - 插件
上传者 - Nightstorm
日期 - 2019-10-06 20:36:59
*Updated for DCS Open Beta as of 11/10/23*

Improved F-16C displays and fonts for VR and high resolution. Reduced fuzziness and thickness of the fonts.  Slightly changed the color of the HUD and HMD to a lighter green and changed the MFD menu and displays to green from white.  

*NEW* Added compatibility for the IDF Mods Project F-16I Sufa V3.9 (Mod must be installed first)

F-16 Display Readability

Improved F-16C/D displays and fonts for VR and high resolution. Reduced fuzziness and thickness of the fonts.  Slightly changed the color of the HUD and HMD to a lighter green and changed the MFD menu and displays to green from white.
Changed the HDS rings from purple to white.  Changed ACES to white.

All changes are tagged and commented with original values in the LUA files.  OvGME ready.

Added compatibility for the IDF Mods Project F-16I Sufa V3.0 (Mod must be installed first)

Includes _Backup folder of original files.


OvGME Mod Manager, drop it in and run it.


\Mods\aircraft\F-16C\_Backup = Backup folders/files

Copy the Mods folder to your main DCS install and overwrite.

  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 126.53 Kb
  • 下载数: 5467
  • 评论: 40
标签: F-16C Viper, F-16C