This is the template I use to fly with F/A-18C. (vs 1.3 - PDF included)
MFD COUGAR Templates Series!
This is the template I use to fly with F/A-18C. I do not have a screen under it. If you use a screen under your MFD Cougar, this template is useless.
For the planes with their own DDIs or MFDs, like F/A-18C or the Harrier, the funcions are used pressing a Modifier, in my case, the Button 4 on my TM Warthog Hotas Joystick. For the planes without a DDI or MFD, I use direct function and, sometimes, even the modifier to add a second function to the same MFD button.
Print the PDF in an A-4 format and/or scale your printer to fit in your MFD Cougar. My printer is an Epson L395. Cut it on the red line and it will be perfect in your MFD.